choose one of the learning experiences below and write a 250word essay

Choose one of the learning experiences below and write a 250-word essay response.
1. Define the three energy pathways. For each pathway, identify two exercises that
utilize the pathway. If you were training to run a marathon, which pathway would be
the focal point of your training? What types of activities would you incorporate into
your marathon training and why? How will an understanding of energy pathways help you
in your future training endeavors?

2. Compare and contrast the body’s physiological responses to aerobic training and
anaerobic training. What adaptations must the body undergo if either of the training
protocols are performed exclusively for over a year? How will an understanding of
aerobic and anaerobic training help you in your future training endeavors?

3. Identify six common joints in the body and list the following:
Joint name
Joint classification
Anatomical description in relation to the sternum (e.g. anterior, distal, etc.)
Example exercise / movement that utilizes the joint
In addition, identify a movement / exercise that utilizes three or more joints. List
the movement / exercise as well as the joints that are involved in the movement. How
will an understanding of joints help you in your future training endeavors?

4. Identify an activity that primarily utilizes type I muscle fibers. What is the
typical body type of individuals who regularly perform this type of activity? How
would you train the body to better perform this activity? Do the same for type IIa
and type IIx muscle fibers. How will an understanding of muscle fiber types help you
in your future training endeavors?

Choose one of the learning experiences below and write a 250-word essay response.
1. Perform a chin-up (palms supinated) and determine which muscles are the prime movers
stabilizers, and synergists. Is there a difference with a pull-up (palms pronated)? If so,
what are the differences? Do as many chin-ups as possible. Which muscles inhibit your
ability to perform more repetitions? What does this say about the chin-up as an
effective exercise for the latissimus dorsi? List as many variations of pull-ups and
chin-ups as possible. Describe how what you have learned during this experience will
help you in your future training.

2. Identify and perform ten resistance training exercises. Describe which phase of the
exercise is the eccentric, concentric, and isometric phase of the movement. At which
phase is the muscle the strongest? Why? Describe how what you have learned during this
experience will help you in your future training endeavors.

3. List the six fundamental movements of major body segments (Unit 4). Give an example
exercise for each. In addition, identify an exercise that combines three or more of the
primary movements. List the exercise as well as the movements involved. How will an
understanding of fundamental movements help you in your future training endeavors?

4. Perform a posture test on yourself and a friend. What deviations do you observe?
What exercises and stretches can correct these deviations? Discuss the procedure(s)
you used, your findings, how you came to your conclusions, and what your recommendation
s are. How does an understanding of posture, posture assessment, and posture correction
help you in your future training endeavors?
Note: If you find that everyone you test passes the posture test (perceiving that they
have perfect posture) you need to go one step farther. Observe the person in everyday
activity. How does the person stand while waiting for something? Does the person slouch?
Is the person tilting the pelvis or rounding the shoulders? Perfect posture is quite
rare; be sure your assessment is thorough.

Choose one of the learning experiences below and write a 250-word essay response.

1. Perform at least one exercise for each major muscle group on a stability ball.
On another day, perform the same exercises in a stationary position (i.e., not on
a stability ball.) Report the following. List the exercises you performed. Were you
able to use the same weight on the stability ball? If not, why do you think you
could not use as much resistance? What populations would benefit from stability ball
training? Are there certain individuals who should not use a stability ball? How will
this learning experience and the knowledge you have gained from it help you in your
future training endeavors?

2. Identify the major surface muscles located in the body and list the following for
intended action
an exercise or movement that utilizes the muscle
A minimum of 15 muscles is required.
After you create this list, define and describe how this information applies to your
future training endeavors. (Note: the 250-word minimum applies.)

3. Much has been written in popular magazines about aerobic training and how it is the
only way one can burn fat. Explain this belief, evaluate it, and describe why it may
or may not be appropriate. Are there other ways to burn fat? If so, what are some of
them? How does your knowledge in this area apply to your future training endeavors?

4. Sit in on or participate in a cardio-based aerobics class. Was the class as you
expected it to be? What did you learn? How would you rate the instructor? Why? Do
the same for a group resistance training class such as strength training, BodyPump,
an abs/core class, or any other class specifically designed to improve strength.
Describe how what you have learned and observed applies to your future training

5.Critically analyze the concept of stretching. Is stretching for improved flexibility?
If so, to what extent is flexibility necessary in a general fitness program? In a
sports-specific setting? Are there other reasons for stretching besides improving
flexibility? Try each of the stretching methods discussed in the text for at least
two body parts and briefly explain the differences between them. Describe how what you
have learned and observed about stretching applies to your future training endeavors.

6. Find at least five Internet or magazine articles / advertisements that depict an
exercise or health “myth” (an example of a health “myth” would be an ad that lists a
pill or supplement that induces significant fat loss without exercising or consuming
a healthy diet). List the source and describe the myth. Why do you think that the
media and advertisers are pushing these myths? What would you change about the article
/advertisement to correct the misinformation (i.e., what should it say?) How will you
approach your analysis of fitness and health claims in the future? How will this help
you in your future training endeavors?

7.Have your body fat level checked by a trained individual using at least three of the
methods discussed in the text. List the method and the results. Are all the results
the same? If not, what do you think is responsible for the variation? Which result or
results do you feel are most accurate? How you will incorporate body fat measurements
into your future training endeavors?

8. Perform body composition assessments on at least three individuals. Record all
measurements and use them to calculate body fat in pounds, total lean body mass, and
the percentage of each to total body weight. Discuss the method that you used and what
possible deviations could have occurred during testing. Show all measurements or
readings for each individual. What are the most important factors in ensuring that
you are assessing body composition accurately and consistently? How will you use body
composition assessment in your future training endeavors?

9. Visit a physician who specializes in the treatment of obesity. Discuss the steps the
physician follows to determine the best treatment. What kind of nutritional advice
does the physician give? When does the physician recommend surgical intervention? When
does the physician think a personal trainer would be beneficial? How could you, as a
trainer, fit into their program? If you cannot gain access to a physician, feel free
to do your own extensive research on the topic of obesity and provide detailed
analysis of the potential common causes (physiological, psychological, etc.),treatment
s, prevention strategies, etc.

Choose one of the learning experiences below and write a 250-word essay response.

1. Take your blood pressure and the blood pressure of someone else. List both the
systole and diastole. Define systole, diastole, and list the ranges of excellent,
good, fair, and poor. Do you see any correlations between blood pressure and lifestyle,
stress level, or activity level? How will you incorporate knowledge of blood pressure
into your future training endeavors?

2. Have a graded exercise test (GXT) performed on you by a qualified physician.
Describe the experience. What were the results? Are you surprised by the results,
or are they as expected? How does this learning experience influence your future
training endeavors?

3. Use the Karvonen method and the general method (220-age) to determine the target
heart rate for yourself and four individuals. What are the differences between the
two. What method do you think is more appropriate and why? Once you determine target
heart rate for yourself, perform any exercise until you reach your target heart rate.
(Only attempt this experience if you are in good health and have a solid grasp on how
to achieve your target heart rate. Be sure to warm up and cool down.) What exercise
did you do? How did you monitor your heart rate? How long did it take to get into your
target heart rate? How long did you remain in the target range? How will you use target
heart rate in your future training endeavors?

4. Meet with three individuals who have been regularly working out for over a year.
Test different fitness components such as maximal strength, strength endurance,
aerobic endurance, flexibility, etc. List the component and the results. How do your
results compare to theirs? Is one of you more fit than the other or are you just
different from one another? How does this learning experience influence your future
training endeavors?

5. Following a good warm up, start in a seated position on an exercise ball and jump
as high as you can. Do this for a total of three repetitions. Record the height you
reach each time you complete the exercise. Next, repeat the process, but start from
a standing position. Jump as high as you can. Record the height you reach each time
you complete the exercise from standing. Now, compare your results of the seated start
and the standing start. In which scenario did you jump higher? Why? Relate this
example to weight training technology and explain how it is used in exercise
performance.***May require outside research of the stretch-shortening cycle. How will
you incorporate this knowledge into your future training endeavors?

6. Critically analyze the following three popular training systems: bigger, faster,
stronger (BFS); crossfit; and high intensity training/heavy duty training (HIT). How
do they compare to the seven laws of training? Which of these systems of training
would be most appropriate for you? Why?

7. Critically evaluate the workout programs of five individuals. How do they compare
to the seven laws of training? Under what conditions would you change these programs?
How will you utilize your knowledge of the seven laws of training in your future
training endeavors?

8. Define periodization and its components (cycles). Provide a detailed explanation
for how periodization could specifically benefit each of the following clients and
how it would assist them in obtaining their ultimate goal(s)/objective(s): college
soccer player, 35-year-old sedentary adult wanting to tone, long distance runner.
Is periodization beneficial for everyone? Why or why not?


Choose one of the learning experiences below and write a 250-word essay response.

1. Identify an individual currently on an intermittent fasting diet, another who is on
a gluten-free diet, and someone else on the Paleo diet. Critically analyze their
dieting experience(s) and compare/contrast them with your own. Evaluate each in light
of the most recently known science and practical experience. Would you recommend any
of these diets or any other structured diet to a future client? If so, list the diet
and describe how would you determine its appropriateness for a client. If you would
not recommend any of these or other structured diets, detail why.

2. Critically evaluate any three popular fat loss programs or diet programs
(e.g. Jenny Craig, etc) that are currently in the marketplace today. How do they stack
up against each other relative to their nutritional profile, ability to support intense
training, and ability to provide lasting results? How does evaluation of diet programs
help you in your future training endeavors? What will you be looking for and why?

3. Identify two popular multivitamin formulas and list the ingredients of each.Compare
the ingredients with one another. If they are different, why do you think there is a
variance between the two? Are they marketed towards different audiences? And if so,
how? Why do you think the manufacturer combined certain vitamins, minerals, and herbs?

4. Meet with an athlete that has experienced dehydration amidst an athletic competition
(e.g. marathon running, all-day soccer tournament, etc.) Describe the experience. Was
it a sudden onset? Was it over a period of time? What symptoms occurred? What could
have been done in advance to avoid dehydration? Why is consistent hydration important
for both function and performance? How will you incorporate proper hydration into
future training endeavors?

5. Pick five supplements currently on the market. Find research based on the supplement
s and the ingredients. What were the results? Were the studies funded by the supplement
company? Is this a supplement backed by credible science? If not, why do you think that
so many people are currently using it?

6. Identify two serious bodybuilders and two serious anaerobic athletes. (You can find
the athletes through an online search, in your gym, from a magazine, etc.) Describe
each athlete’s training program. Based on what you have learned in the course, identify
reasons for the program’s success or failure at maximizing muscle mass and minimizing
fat stores.

7. Meet with at least three individuals that are new to training and nutrition. For
each client, identify and describe three limiting factors (refer to Unit 20). Identify
and describe a specific action plan to eliminate these factors from each client’s
current nutrition plan.

8. Describe the following for each major macronutrient category (protein, carbohydrates
, fats):
role in energy production
role in performance
recommended types (for the generally healthy public)
types that are not recommended
foods that you would recommend within the macronutrient category and why
How does knowledge of macronutrients help you in your future training endeavors?


Choose one of the learning experiences below and write a 250-word essay response.

1. Search online for “free medline.” You will probably find several websites that
offer this feature. Search for research abstracts on “cancer and exercise.” Review
at least six abstracts (articles no more than five years old). Based on the
conclusions of these studies, how beneficial is regular exercise for cancer patients?
How would you market your services to clients that have cancer? Be sure to cite your

2. Research the benefits and risks of exercise and youth. List at least five resources
(resources no more than five years old) and summarize the research findings in your
own words. Is resistance training safe, effective, and beneficial for young people?
Why or why not?

3. Watch a diabetes educator and/or nurse perform a blood glucose test on a diabetes
patient. If you have the resources, knowledge, and are comfortable, take your own
blood glucose after intense exercise. What is the number? What does it mean for you?
What would it mean for a diabetic? How could you incorporate blood glucose results
into your exercise practice?

4. Write down three or more special population groups for whom you would use a water
exercise therapy program. What types of movement routines would you perform? What
types of strength training would you incorporate? What precautions would you take?

5. Identify at least two women who have regularly exercised before and after pregnancy
with very little “down time.” What precautions did they follow? What alterations did
they make to their normal training routine? If they were to do it again, what changes
might they make? Do these follow the guidelines presented in your course text? How
will the information you have gained from this learning experience guide your training
recommendations for clients who are pregnant?

6. Seek out a competent sports medicine expert–medical doctor, chiropractic physician,
nurse, or physical therapist–and review some of the sports-medicine conditions
outlined in the course text. Are these outlines specific enough? Are any sports-medical
conditions left out that should be included? What else can you do to better prepare
yourself in assisting your clients to seek competent sports-medical assistance?

7. Visit a chiropractor and discuss as many of the therapeutic modalities as s/he uses.
Where do you, the personal trainer, fit into the chiropractor’s rehabilitation
practice? Where do you fit in the process of ensuring the continuation of care as well
as the prevention of future injury/ailments?

8. Attend a basic first-aid course and explain how the information gathered in the
course will be specifically helpful to you as a certified personal trainer.
(NOTE: First aid and basic adult CPR/AED are separate topics. Some courses combine
both. First aid is the topic of this learning experience. CPR/AED is a co-requisite
to earning your certification.)

9. Research the steps involved in launching a new personal training business and
develop a business plan. Find out where to obtain your DBA, business checking account,
and liability insurance. Create all of the necessary forms for your business including
your resume, rate sheets, policies, consent forms, health history questionnaires, and
anything else that you deem professionally appropriate. You might design a logo or
flyer for the business as well. Lastly, include a description of any difficulties you
encountered as you navigated the business set-up process. Copy and paste this
information into the text box provided as part your response.

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