Tnt 700.5pbp | Education homework help


TNT 700.5P Performance-Based Assessments: Planning Instruction Part III

Candidates add components taught in this module to the two lesson plans previously submitted in 700.4P Planning Instruction Part 2 for evaluation. This is the final evaluation of the lesson planning projects. Recall that you will use the same two lesson plans you have previously submitted in 700.4PBP. This performance-based assessment, 700.5PBP, continues with those same two plans, this time evaluating different parts of the lesson plan and the overall plan.  


Your coursework preceding this project will have prepared you for the evaluation criteria of this project. Using the  knowledge gained in the preceding coursework, revise and submit your plans for initial evaluation in this project.   You must score at least 40 points out of 50 points on each submission to pass this assignment.

As before, this project is much more detailed than lesson plans typically used in the classroom. The performance-based assessments are designed to evaluate candidate skills in a comprehensive way; thus, candidates are asked to provide much more detail than in traditional plans so that the instructor is able to evaluate skills in these areas.  

  • Questioning strategies and feedback
  • Accommodations and modifications
  • The extent to which the lesson is differentiated
  • Assessment for learning
  • The overall plan

For 700.5P, candidates submit two complete and original lesson plans for feedback and final evaluation.  The parts of the lesson plan form that will be scored include Differentiation (Reteach and Extensions) Closure, Questions, Modifications and Accommodations, Assessments, and the Overall Plan.

While each lesson is designed to deliver the state-required content for the grade level, some students require additional learning supports to successfully access this content. Students who are learning the English language, or who have learning disabilities are especially in need of these supports. There are multiple supports for learning that are available for all students; however, more intensive supports are often required for some learners with greater needs.  These more intensive supports fall into two categories; accommodations and modifications. 

The components scored in 700.4PBP should still be present here. When complete, these will represent two complete lesson plans.

Each lesson is evaluated on the extent to which it is differentiated to address these learning differences. The process of how students will learn the content can be differentiated for learning modalities, supports for English learners, and those with learning disabilities.  We can differentiate the content – what students will learn. This is important because students all come to us with different levels of readiness.  We need to plan activities that meet students where they are. Finally, we can differentiate the products that students produce to show us what they have learned. Consider learning styles, prior learning experiences, and any supports needed so that everyone can access the curriculum.

We evaluate the assessment to determine how well it provides information about student learning. Does the candidate include information on the type of assessment, and is the assessment adapted for diverse needs?

This class includes the following students from TCR 300.  As you plan your modifications, accommodations and differentiation, be sure to address their needs.  You will be scored on this.

  • Angelo – Angelo is a student with special needs.       He has a learning disability and is slow to process information.  He      is usually happy and helpful.
  • Nancy – Nancy recently moved from Korea and is well      educated.  She does not yet know English.  She is at the      beginning level for speaking and writing, but at the intermediate level      for listening and reading.
  • Corinne – Corinne is a GT student.  She was,      however, suspended three times last year for fighting.  In class, she      is happy and easy-going, but can quickly escalate if she feels      disrespected.


Thoughtful and explicit differentiation in content or process for the following groups of students.  Be sure to review what constitutes differentiation if needed.  It is NOT accommodating or modifying, but – rather – delivering and assessing instruction in a manner that helps students access the content.

  • ELLs
  • Regular Education students who are struggling and      possibly Special Education students
  • GT students


  • Formative assessment – questioning. It should be clear      throughout the plan that students are engaging with the materials and that      the teacher is formatively assessing student learning with developmentally      and instructionally appropriate questions that are aligned with the rigor      of the learning objective.  At least 6 specific questions      should be scripted and included in the lesson plan.  They do not have      to be all in the same part of the plan.  Embed them where they would      fall in the lesson.  For example, if you are checking for prior      knowledge as an introduction to the lesson, a few questions may go at the      beginning of the lesson.  Other questions may come after initial      instruction.  Others may be part of the assessment.  Just be      sure to include at least 6 questions total and indicate them according to      instructions (highlight them) so that your instructor can find them      easily.
  • End of lesson assessment – can be formative or      summative. The candidate should include detailed information about the      type of assessment used (observation, multiple choice quiz, exit ticket      with two constructed response questions, etc.)
  • Differentiated assessment for diverse student needs –      the plan should include a brief description of how this assessment either      is or can be differentiated for academically challenged and EL learners.


  • Accommodations (learning aids, oral test      administration, etc) are detailed and explicitly designed for the needs of      the student populations including GT, EL, Special Education.
  • Modifications – For the purpose of this lesson, you      will consider the needs of Angelo, and explain where in the lesson any      modifications would be used.

Label the modifications and accommodations separately so that we can see you understand the difference between the two.  These are legal obligations for what you must provide for specific students in your class.

In the reflection, the candidate will answer each of the following questions in 1 – 3 paragraphs using complete sentences.  This should be thoughtful and thorough analysis of the reasoning behind your instructional choices.  Number your answers to correspond with the question

  1. Explain the prerequisite skills students will need to      be successful in this lesson.
  2. Explain how your answer to the question above      influenced your decisions regarding the differentiation strategies used.
  3. Explain how your instructional strategies,      accommodations, modifications, and assessment(s) address the needs of      English Learners, including Nancy.


INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out all portions of the lesson plan. Within the Instructional Steps, note the following items as indicated below to facilitate identification of the required elements. Answer the reflection questions that follow the plan

Create at least 6 formative questionsand highlight them in green.


TEXAS ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS(Copy these word for word. This must include the grade level, number, and letter of competency)

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): The student will 




What materials do you need for   this lesson? What is the setting? Are students in pairs, groups, stations,   floor, library, science lab?



What vocabulary terms must   students know to understand the concept being taught?



What activity will students   engage in that will pique their interest about the upcoming lesson? Think of   this like a preview for an upcoming movie – something that ignites curiosity



This is what you say to students about what they have   already learned and how it prepares them for what they are about to learn; review   what they have learned to prepare them for the upcoming lesson.


OBJECTIVE STATEMENT (be sure to include   the performance measure)

This is what you say to students about what students will learn today, and how they will show they have   learned the content (that is the performance measure)



Why do students need to learn this today?   This should be written in what you will   say to students and should include both why it is important to the   content and why it is relevant in   their lives.




Step by Step Instructions

Key Points

Directions to give

Questions that you will ask – at   least 6, highlighted in green.







Include differentiation in   content or process for the following groups of students


· Regular Education students who are struggling and possibly some   Special Education students

· Gifted and Talented students



If your assessment is   already differentiated, please explain how. If it is not, please explain how you will differentiate it for the   learning needs in your class.



Create at least 2 modifications AND   2 accommodations that address the diverse needs of the students Angelo, Nancy,   and Corinne. 



Review: How will you cement the learning that has   taken place in this lesson?

Connect to future learning: How will what students learned today help   them in upcoming lessons?


1. Explain the prerequisite skills students need to be successful in this lesson. 

2. Explain how your answer to the above question influenced your decisions regarding the differentiation strategies used.

3. Explain how your instructional strategies, accommodations, modifications, and assessments(s) address the needs of English Learners, including Nancy. 

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