Tourism | English homework help



InsertNameofAttraction: A Global Attraction

LastName, FirstName

TDM 205/McWilliams



Write a 100-150-word abstract about what this paper is about and what will be included—which should be a GLOBAL attraction (

in a place you were born,

in a place where you have lived or are currently living,

that you have ALREADY VISITED and with at

least one million visitors
per year, and from the list of instructor-approved options). NO UNITED STATES ATTRACTIONS ARE PERMITTED. Relate the selection of this attraction to your major or area of interest. You may use the I/me tense, but only in this abstract and the last section of your paper. Otherwise…this paper shall be entirely cited data from reliable sources. LOOK AT THE SAMPLE PAPER FOR IDEAS. Leave your opinion OUT OF IT. DELETE AND REPLACE THIS.

InsertNameofAttraction: A Global Attraction

Section 1: NameOfAttraction Overview

NameofAttraction Description & Significance

Highlight this and replace it with a picture of your choosing. Then, provide a citation in the caption text box below. You can drag this wherever you want in the document, just be sure the caption is below it. You need to format it to ‘wrap text tight’ so that it tucks neatly into your writing.


This project goes faster if you open the sample paper and refer to it as you write. Go through your whole paper now and replace all of the NameofAttraction’s you see with your specific attraction—title, subtitles, everywhere. You need a minimum of two captions and cited pictures in this paper, do this now. For this paper, start a new paragraph with a single tabbed indentation. In this overview section, write a
minimum of 2-3 sentences, always synthesizing into your own words throughout the entire paper except for
sparing use of quotes, providing a brief description of the global attraction that will be featured (Author(s) Last Name(s) or Article Title, Year). What if there is no date? Use n.d. for no date like this (Jones & Perez, n.d.). What if there is no author? Use the title of the article like this (Belize Travel News, 2019). Also, write a
minimum of 1-2 sentences on why it is significant from an economic, social/cultural, environmental and other reason(s) (Author Last Name or Article Title, Year). DO NOT USE THE I/ME/WE/YOU tenses anywhere in this paper except the very last section (your perspectives are welcomed there, and only there). This is NEUTRAL research…do not attempt to sell your destination. Just find facts from reputable sources, synthesize into your own words. The reader will evaluate the attraction based on your research—not your opinion or sales effort! This is not a blog or travel advice. If you use a number or direct quote anywhere in this paper, you must go one step further in your citations and add a paragraph, page, or table number where you found it like this (UNWTO Report/Belize, 2019, para. 1). NEVER FINISH A PARAGRAPH WITHOUT AN IN-TEXT CITATION. DON’T FORGET TO ADD ALL SOURCES TO YOUR REFERENCES AT THE END IN APA FORMAT. DELETE ALL OF THIS…EXCEPT FOR SECTION SUBTITLES FOR EACH SECTION, OF COURSE!

Image 1: Use the generator link here to create an APA citation for the picture you choose. This should be moved to just below the picture.

Attraction Geography & Climate

Write a
minimum of two sentences, always in your own words, about where the attraction is located on Earth (city, country, continent, hemisphere, water bodies, terrain/topography (Author Last Name or Article Title, Year…and if needed a paragraph, table, or page number if it’s a number or direct quote). Write a minimum of 1-2 sentences about the climate of this attraction and how that climate/seasonality impacts the attraction (Author Last Name or Article Title, Year). Remember, no contractions (don’t, can’t, it’s) in formal papers. Do not add explanation points (because you are supposed to be neutrally reporting facts)! Do not add flowery adjectives or ‘marketing speak’—you are NOT a travel agent selling a destination. Just find facts, synthesize into your own words, cite, and let the reader make determinations (Last Name or Article Title, Year).

Classification & Ownership of NameofAttraction

Write one sentence about the classification of this attraction (natural, manmade, cultural, event, recreation/sports, entertainment using this existing in-text citation (Goelder & Ritchie, 2013). Write a
minimum of 1-2, always in your own words, sentences about the ownership and management of this attraction. Is it public/governmentally run, non-profit, or privately owned? Who is in charge of managing and operating it (Author Last Name or Article Title, Year)?

Key Features of NameofAttraction

Write a
minimum of 3 sentences, always in your own words, about the main offerings of this attraction. DO NOT write a travel advertisement or talk about how great the place is (Author Last Name or Article Title, Year). Do not use the ‘you’ tense or make travel recommendations or give advice. You are to report the facts, and let the facts speak for themselves (Author Last Name or Article Title, Year).

Transportation Systems to Access and Navigate NameofAttraction (Including Accessibility Info)

Include a
minimum of two sentences about the transportation systems used to get to and from and within the attraction, and challenges associated with them (Last Name or Article Title, Year). Remember no ‘YOU’ tense—you are not giving travel advice. This is not a travel blog (Last Name or Article Title, Year).

Tourism & Tourists at NameofAttraction
A close up of a device  Description automatically generated

Leaving this graphic and caption in place, write a
minimum of 1-2 sentences about what type(s)/
niches of tourism this attraction is encompassed within (Author Last Name or Article Title, Year). You need an outside quality source to base what type(s) of tourism this attraction applies to. Seek out our lesson on the types of tourism for a list of options from dark tourism to sports tourism and beyond (McWilliams/Types of Tourism, XXXX). Write 1-2 sentences about what type of
tourist this attraction would be of interest to, using an outside source to bolster. Refer to our lesson on The Ologies of Tourism to classify tourists according to Plog’s Tourist Typologies (Psychocentric, Midcentric, or Allocentric) and whether travelers would most likely be organized mass tourists, individual mass tourists, explorers, or drifters (or a combination thereof) and
why leaving in this double in-text citation (McWilliams/Ologies of Tourism, XXXX; Plog, 1974).

Graphic 1: Piuchan, Manisa. (2018). Plog’s and Butler’s Models: a critical review of Psychographic Tourist Typology and the Tourist Area Life Cycle. Turizam. 22. 10.5937/turizam22-18835.

NameofAttraction Key Statistics

NOTE: Again–when you state a statistic—you must ADD THE TABLE, PARAGRAPH OR PAGE NUMBER TO THE IN-TEXT CITATION—this goes for the whole paper when numbers or direct quotes are involved (World Travel Data, 2019, table 2). Write a
minimum of 5 sentences, always in your own words, about tourism-related statistics related to this attraction. Examples could include the number of annual visitors, revenue or profit annually, average ticket price, average amount spent in attraction, average length of stay, etc. (Author Last Name or Article Title, Year, para. 2). You can also compare year to year or this attraction to others like it. You can also rank it to other such attractions in the world (example—where does it rank in the IAPPA report waterpark attendees report) (Author Last Name or Article Title, Year, pg. 3)? You may also include data about the host destination in terms of annual visitor numbers, tourism receipts, etc. (Author Last Name or Article Title, Year, para. 4).

Highlight this and replace it with a picture of your choosing. Then, provide a citation in the caption text box below. You can drag this wherever you want in the document, just be sure the caption is below it. You need to format it to ‘
wrap text tight’ so that it tucks neatly into your writing. You can copy and paste to make more of these!


Image 2: Use the generator link here to create an APA citation for the picture you choose. This should be tucked up under the picture.

Section 2: Impact, Strengths & Weaknesses of NameOfAttraction

Strengths & Resources of Name of Attraction & Its Surrounding Destination

Write a
minimum of 3 sentences, always in your own words, about the strengths and resources of this attraction and its surrounding area (Author Last Name or Article Title, Year). Refer to our list of pros/cons of tourism and look through our lessons on the Economic, Social and Environmental Impacts of Tourism for ideas on what to include here and bolster with reliable sources of data about your particular attraction. Use what you have learned in class to give this depth (Author Last Name or Article Title, Year).

Weaknesses & Barriers of Name of Attraction & Its Surrounding Destination

Write a
minimum of 3 sentences, always in your own words, about the weaknesses and barriers of this attraction and its surrounding area (Author Last Name or Article Title, Year). Refer to our list of pros/cons of tourism and look through our lessons on the Economic, Social and Environmental Impacts of Tourism for ideas on what to include here and bolster with reliable sources of data about your particular attraction. Use what you have learned in class to give this depth (Author Last Name or Article Title, Year).

Section 3: Critiques & Reviews of NameofAttraction
OR Major-Related Data Associated With
OR COVID-19 Related Data Associated With NameofAttraction/HostDestination

You have a choice in this section. You can write a
minimum of 4 sentences about
a topic that connects your major/specific interests and this attraction and/or host destination (criminal justice, events, communication, museum studies, etc.)
report on critiques and reviews of this attraction OR
discuss how this attraction has been impacted by COVID-19. This section should include a
minimum of 4 sentences, always in your own words except for using direct quotations of traveler feedback, about the positive and negative reviews of the attractions you found from industry professionals (professional reviews) and amateur reviews (TripAdvisor/NameofAttraction/’ReviewerNameifApplicable’, 2019). Be sure to use direct quotations here and add the page or paragraph number in your in-text citation (Rating Organization/NameofAttraction, Year, para. 3).

Tips for Success in Sections 1-3:

[] Follow this template and minimum lengths carefully, ensuring APA double-spaced and 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12 point font.

[] Do not use “I”, “Me” or “We” tenses in Sections 1-3. This is a research paper, so let the data do the talking (no opinions or advice until Section 4).

[] Avoid contractions (don’t, can’t) because they are informal.

[] Check to make sure you referred to a country or attraction as an ‘it’ not a ‘they.’ The citizens of the country are a ‘they’, the government of a country is an ‘it.’

[] Use proper in-text APA in-text citations (see
for tips). In-text citations come at the end of the sentence before the period. This includes a citation for each piece of data. When the source changes, a new source is cited. Do not overuse a source. Make sure there are NO paragraphs without citations throughout. Look at this example. It has a citation for each time the source changed, and the paragraph ends with a citation. That’s what yours should look like.

[] Is EVERYTHING IN-TEXT CITED? If you don’t cite it, it is plagiarism!

The official name of Dinglehopper Land is actually the Dinglehopper Republic, and it is run by an aquatic republic which is defined as “a type of government in which the real executive powers are in the hands of underwater cabinet members and legislative powers with individuals who are responsible for legislature” (Underwater Parliamentary Republic Definition, 2016). Under this aquatic republic, Dinglehopper Land is ruled by the Prime Minister Eric Prince (Sebastian, 2017).

[] Use high quality sources (NOT Wikipedia and try not to use amateur blogs)…

[] Create a References section at the end double-spaced, in alphabetical order, hanging indent, in APA format.

[] Do not plagiarize! Use your own wording. Find data but TRANSLATE/SYNTHESIZE it into your own thoughts and words and cite carefully. Do not use ChatGPT. You will upload into anti-plagiarism software.

[] Ensure each paragraph has at least 2 sentences. No lonely single sentences.

[] Only use quotes for something that is so original or rich you could not say it better yourself.

[] Avoid using vague words like ‘things’—instead state what the thing is. DELETE ALL OF THESE TIPS!

Section 4: Personal Perspectives/Review/Final Thoughts on NameofAttraction

This is the one {and only!} opportunity in this document to speak in the ‘I/Me’ and ‘You’ tense. As a result of your research, are you more or less interested in traveling to this destination to experience this attraction (WHICH YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER VISITED BEFORE BASED ON THE CRITERIA OF THIS PROJECT!)? Why or why not? What did you learn that impressed or concerned you? End this paper with a ‘clever’ or thought-provoking final thought about this attraction. This section should be 3-4 sentences MINIMUM. No citations necessary unless you quote someone.


Don’t forget to integrate these sources below into your final works cited, as you will use them in your paper. Note they are in alphabetical order with a “hanging indent.” The textbook for this course, the lessons you need to access from the instructor, and the ‘type of tourist’ from Plog have been provided for you. For any source you find and add, please integrate them alphabetically and add the date your downloaded it at the end xx/xx/xxxx. DELETE THIS.

Goeldner, C.R., & Ritchie, J.R. (2013).
Tourism Principles, Practices, Philosophies (12th ed.). NJ: Wiley & Sons. Retrieved on xx/xx/xxxx.

McWilliams, C. (2021).
Ologies of Tourism Lesson. Retrieved from: Canvas Course on xx/xx/xxxx.

McWilliams, C. (2021).
Types of Tourism Lesson. Retrieved from: Canvas Course on xx/xx/xxxx.

Plog, S. C. (1974). Why destination areas rise and fall in popularity.
Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 14 (4), 55–58. doi:10.1177/001088047401400409. Retrieved on xx/xx/xxxx.







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