The writer is very fast, professional and responded to the review request fast also. Thank you.
- Activity: TQM Charting Practice
This activity consists of two problems.
Problem One
Dr. Raymond Hill, Director of Surgery, for Forest Medical Center in Lake Park, Illinois, received some recent statistics concerning data on the surgeries performed in his center during 2019. He was somewhat surprised to see the high number of what is classified as “late surgeries.” He has asked you, a quality analyst, to examine this data.
He requests the following items from you:- Create a scatter plot in Excel of the number of late surgeries versus the overall number of surgeries.
- Create a run chart in Excel for the number of late surgeries and a run chart for the overall number of surgeries for 2019.
- Create separate control charts in Excel for the number of late surgeries and the overall number of surgeries with a 95% confidence level. Show all calculations that you use to arrive at these control charts.
- In a Word document, draw two conclusions regarding these three analyses regarding the late surgeries at Forest Medical Center.
- Late Surgeries versus Overall SurgeriesMonthNumber of SurgeriesNumber of Late SurgeriesJanuary435112February401129March572186April409103May57789June329156July467156August30194September23589October325127November378156December444124Total48731432Problem Two
Dr. Amanda Guzik, head of infectious diseases for Forest Medical Center in Lake Park Illinois, asks you to analyze the following influenza data that she has collected over five years from cases that were treated at this medical center. - Use Excel to create a run chart for the data.
- Use Excel to create a control chart with a 95% confidence level for this data. Include the mean, the LCL, and the UCL. Show all calculations that you use to arrive at these control charts.
- In a Word document, draw two conclusions from these charts regarding the influenza cases that the Forest Medical Center had treated.
- Submit Word document(s) and Excel file(s) showing your responses and calculations.
Influenza Data by QuarterYearQuarter# of Cases of Influenza Observed11345212346134831439842141202237623429243583314219323853339234361441356842439433264441035142095239653411544008
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