Chapter 1 ma | Physics homework help

Chapter 01 Homework Assignment



Due: 11:59pm on Sunday, January 25, 2015





To understand how points are awarded, read the Grading Policy for this assignment.







Mastering presents homework items assigned by your instructor and works with you to answer them. Homework items





typically have an introduction, possibly figures, and one or more parts for you to answer.




Type of help offered




Mastering tells you immediately whether or not your answers are correct. Usually, you will have multiple


chances to arrive at the correct answer. Your instructor will determine how many tries you have available.


In many items, hints are available to help you if you get stuck. If you don’t need the hints to solve the


problem, you can still use them for review later on.


If you submit an incorrect answer, Mastering often responds with specific, helpful feedback.


Mastering is forgiving of many typos and formatting mistakes. If it can’t figure out what you entered, it will


let you know and give you another chance.


These exercises were chosen specifically to lead you through the key features of Mastering and are not intended to test


your knowledge of any specific subject material. Therefore, on this item you will not be penalized for using hints and


submitting incorrect answers. In fact, you should submit incorrect answers and use the hints to see what happens!




Part A





How many squares are in this grid ? Note that the


figure link lets you know that a figure goes along with this


part. This figure is available to the left.




Enter your answer as a number in the box below and


then submit your answer by clicking Submit.













Number of squares = 5











What you are reading now is called a “followup


comment.” These comments typically offer more information or


provide an interpretation of the answer you just obtained.


Before you move on to a slightly more challenging question, have a quick look at the other buttons available


around the answer box.



Give Up allows you to complete the question if you can’t solve it on your own. Your instructor




controls whether or not the correct answer is displayed to you.



My Answers brings up a new window that lists all of the answers you have submitted for this




question, along with any helpful feedback you received for incorrect submissions.







See the help file available by clicking the Help link at the top right corner, if you want to know more about how grading





works in general. Here is the most important information you’ll need.


You must complete every part to get credit for an item. To complete a part, either answer the main part question correctly




or click the Give Up button.





In a graded homework item, each part counts equally toward your score on the overall item. If you get full credit on each




part, you will receive full credit for the problem. You may lose a fraction of the credit for a part when you submit an





incorrect answer. Whether you do lose credit and how much you lose are set by your instructor. However, you won’t lose


credit for most types of formatting mistakes or for submitting a blank answer.




As you might expect, you will receive no credit for a part if you use the Give Up button. If you just can’t figure out a





question, there is a way to get partial credit by using hints, as the following part will illustrate.




Part B





What is the magic number?


Note that there is a figure also associated with this part.


However, the figure for Part A may still be visible on the


left. To view the figure associated with Part B, click on the


figure link. A new figure should appear on the left.




You could try to guess the magic number but you


would probably use up all your tries before getting




the answer. Notice the new Hints button underneath





the answer box for this question. Clicking this button


will open up a list of hints that will guide you to the


correct number.





Hint 1. Different types of hints and their impact on grading





Notice that there are three hints for this question. You are not required to use all of the hints or to use them in


order. Each hint has a tagline that describes its contents. Based on the tagline you can decide whether or not


a particular hint will be useful to you.


There are two kinds of hints. Some hints, such as Hint 2 below, just provide you with information. Other hints,


such as Hint 3 below, give you an opportunity to answer a simpler question that is related to the main


question you are solving. These hints either have questions in the tagline or tell you to do something (e.g.,


Find…, Determine…, Identify…, etc.). There are two ways that this type of hint can help you:


Answering the simpler question gives you a chance to check that you are on the right track.


If you correctly answer the simpler question, you will receive partial credit for the part even if


you are unable to answer the main question.




Your instructor may choose to give you a bonus for not using hints or to deduct a small penalty for using


hints. If you are stuck, using the hints will usually result in a higher score than simply trying to guess because


you may lose fewer points for opening a hint than for getting the answer to the main question incorrect. There


is a more detailed explanation of how hints are graded in the help available by clicking the Help link at the top





right corner of your screen in the main Mastering window. In this problem, however, you will not lose any


credit for using the hints.


Now, open up the second hint for some help finding the magic number.




Hint 2. How to approach the problem





Although you could try to guess the magic number you would most likely exhaust your tries before getting the


correct answer. To help you, the magic number is , where is a number between 1 and 10.




Hint 3. What is ?





Recall that the previous hint stated that the magic number is , where is a number between 1 and


10. Specifically is an even number between 1 and 10. Try to guess the value of .




You may submit as many guesses as you need. Enter each guess into the answer box that follows.














Now that you have determined , compute to find the magic number.












Your instructor may choose to give you a bonus for not using hints or to deduct a small penalty for using hints.


If you are stuck, using the hints will usually result in a higher score than simply trying to guess because you


may lose fewer points for opening a hint than for getting the answer to the main question incorrect. Note that




you are never required to use the hints; if you want to figure the question out on your own, go ahead!



Notice that a new button, Review Part, appears when you correctly answer a part with hints. This button allows




you to review all of the hints for that part, even if you didn’t need them to get the answer. This is a useful way to



review the question when studying for a test. You do not lose any credit for reviewing the hints after you have




answered the question. If you didn’t look at all of the hints while answering the last question, you should read


through them now for some important information about hints and hint grading.



g4 4









g4 4





4 4




4 = 4


4 g


magic number = 60






Part C







questions have a special grading rule determined by your instructor. Assume that your instructor has


decided to grade these questions in the following way: If you submit an incorrect answer to a multiplechoice


question with options, you will lose of the credit for that question. Just like the similar multiplechoice


penalty on most standardized tests, this rule is necessary to prevent random guessing.


If a multiplechoice


question has five answer choices and you submit one wrong answer before getting the question




correct, how much credit will you lose for that part of the question?














Your instructor may choose not to deduct of the credit for a multiplechoice


question with options.



To see how your instructor is grading you, click your instructor’s Grading Policy on your assignment page.


If you click on the Continue button before finishing all the Parts, you will see a message reminding you that you


need to complete each Part to get credit. If you have completed the item, clicking Continue will take you to the


next item on the Assignment. At any time you may click on the Provide Feedback link to access a survey page




without losing your work.


Once you have completed an item, you may access your score from the assignment. Your score will display


below the item title.



Significant Figures Conceptual Question



In the parts that follow select whether the number presented in statement A is greater than, less than, or equal to the


number presented in statement B. Be sure to follow all of the rules concerning significant figures.




Part A





Statement A: 2.567 , to two significant figures.


Statement B: 2.567 , to three significant figures.




Determine the correct relationship between the statements.





Hint 1. Rounding and significant figures





Rounding to a different number of significant figures changes a number. For example, consider the number


3.4536. This number has five significant figures. The following table illustrates the result of rounding this


number to different numbers of significant figures:




* *Ã
























*Ã *











Four significant figures 3.454


Three significant figures 3.45


Two significant figures 3.5


One significant figure 3


Notice that, when rounding 3.4536 to one significant figure, since 0.4536 is less than 0.5, the result is 3, even


though if you first rounded to two significant figures (3.5), the result would be 4.










Part B





Statement A: (2.567 + 3.146 ), to two significant figures.


Statement B: (2.567 , to two significant figures) + (3.146 , to two significant figures).




Determine the correct relationship between the statements.














Evaluate statement A as follows: (2.567 + 3.146 ) = 5.713 to two significant figures is 5.7 .


Statement B evaluates as 2.6 + 3.1 = 5.7 . Therefore, the two statements are equal.



Part C





Statement A: Area of a rectangle with measured length = 2.536 and width = 1.4 .


Statement B: Area of a rectangle with measured length = 2.536 and width = 1.41 .


Since you are not told specific numbers of significant figures to round to, you must use the rules for multiplying


numbers while respecting significant figures. If you need a reminder, consult the hint.




Determine the correct relationship between the statements.











Statement A is


greater than


less than


equal to


Statement B.










Statement A is


greater than


less than


equal to


Statement B.















Hint 1. Significant figures and multiplication





When you multiply two numbers, the result should be rounded to the number of significant figures in the less


accurate of the two numbers. For instance, if you multiply 2.413 (four significant figures) times 3.81 (three


significant figures), the result should have three significant figures: . Similarly,


, when significant figures are respected (i.e., 15.328646 rounded to one significant













Evaluate statement A as follows: (2.536 ) (1.4 ) = 3.5504 to two significant figures is 3.6 .


Statement B evaluates as (2.536 ) (1.41 ) = 3.57576 to three significant figures is 3.58 .


Therefore, statement A is greater than statement B.



Vector ComponentsReview



Learning Goal:





To introduce you to vectors and the use of sine and cosine for a triangle when resolving components.


Vectors are an important part of the language of science, mathematics, and engineering. They are used to discuss


multivariable calculus, electrical circuits with oscillating currents, stress and strain in structures and materials, and flows


of atmospheres and fluids, and they have many other applications. Resolving a vector into components is a precursor to


computing things with or about a vector quantity. Because position, velocity, acceleration, force, momentum, and angular




momentum are all vector quantities, resolving vectors into components is the most important skill required in a





mechanics course.




The figure shows the components of , and , along the x and y axes of the coordinate system, respectively. The





components of a vector depend on the coordinate system’s orientation, the key being the angle between the vector and


the coordinate axes, often designated .




g –


g –




Statement A is


greater than


less than


equal to


Statement B.








. 4 5









Part A





The figure shows the standard way of measuring the




angle. is measured to the vector from the x axis, and





counterclockwise is positive.




Express and in terms of the length of the


vector and the angle , with the components


separated by a comma.













4 5









4 , 5 = DPTJ TJOJ











In principle, you can determine the components of any vector with these expressions. If lies in one of the




other quadrants of the plane, will be an angle larger than 90 degrees (or in radians) and and


will have the appropriate signs and values.


Unfortunately this way of representing , though mathematically correct, leads to equations that must be


simplified using trig identities such as






These must be used to reduce all trig functions present in your equations to either or . Unless


you perform this followup step flawlessly, you will fail to recoginze that




and your equations will not simplify so that you can progress further toward a solution. Therefore, it is best to


express all components in terms of either or , with between 0 and 90 degrees (or 0 and


in radians), and determine the signs of the trig functions by knowing in which quadrant the vector lies.



Part B





When you resolve a vector into components, the components must have the form or . The





signs depend on which quadrant the vector lies in, and there will be one component with and the other with






In real problems the optimal coordinate system is often rotated so that the x axis is not horizontal. Furthermore, most





vectors will not lie in the first quadrant. To assign the sine and cosine correctly for vectors at arbitrary angles, you


must figure out which angle is and then properly reorient the definitional triangle.


As an example, consider the vector shown in the diagram labeled “tilted axes,” where you know the angle




between and the y axis.





Which of the various ways of orienting the definitional


triangle must be used to resolve into components in


the tilted coordinate system shown? (In the figures, the


hypotenuse is orange, the side adjacent to is red, and


the side opposite is yellow.)












TJO È ] – ÃTJO ]


DPT È ] – ÃTJO ]






TJO ] DPT ]] R


. ]]. DPT J ]]. TJO J













. J













Indicate the number of the figure with the correct orientation.





Hint 1. Recommended procedure for resolving a vector into components





First figure out the sines and cosines of , then figure out the signs from the quadrant the vector is in and


write in the signs.




Hint 2. Finding the trigonometric functions





Sine and cosine are defined according to the following convention, with the key lengths shown in green: The


hypotenuse has unit length, the side adjacent to has length , and the side opposite has length


. The colors are chosen to remind you that the vector sum of the two orthogonal sides is the vector


whose magnitude is the hypotenuse; red + yellow = orange.























Part C





Choose the correct procedure for determining the components of a vector in a given coordinate system from this list:










Part D





The space around a coordinate system is conventionally divided into four numbered quadrants depending on the













Align the adjacent side of a right triangle with the vector and the hypotenuse along a coordinate direction


with as the included angle.


Align the hypotenuse of a right triangle with the vector and an adjacent side along a coordinate direction


with as the included angle.


Align the opposite side of a right triangle with the vector and the hypotenuse along a coordinate direction


with as the included angle.


Align the hypotenuse of a right triangle with the vector and the opposite side along a coordinate direction


with as the included angle.














signs of the x and y coordinates . Consider the following







A. ,


B. ,


C. ,


D. ,


Which of these lettered conditions are true in which the


numbered quadrants shown in ?




Write the answer in the following way: If A were true in the third quadrant, B in the second, C in the first, and




D in the fourth, enter “3, 2, 1, 4” as your response.









Part E





Now find the components and of in the tilted coordinate system of Part B.






Express your answer in terms of the length of the vector and the angle , with the components separated


by a comma.














Exercise 1.12



4 5


4 5  


4   5


4   5  









4 5 .















Part A





The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of the trace metal magnesium is 410 for males. Express this


quantity in .




Express your answer using two significant figures.













Part B





For adults, the RDA of the amino acid lysine is 12 per of body weight. How many grams per day should a 73


adult receive?




Express your answer using two significant figures.













Part C





A typical multivitamin tablet can contain 2.0 of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), and the RDA is 0.0030 . How many





such tablets should a person take each day to get the proper amount of this vitamin, assuming that he gets none


from any other sources?




Express your answer as an integer.













Part D





The RDA for the trace element selenium is 0.000070 . Express this dose in .




Express your answer using two significant figures.















4.1×105 NHEBZ











0.88 HEBZ









2 tablets













Exercise 1.7



Part A





How many years older will you be 1.00 billion seconds from now? (Assume a 365day













Exercise 1.24



You are using water to dilute small amounts of chemicals in the laboratory, drop by drop.




Part A





How many drops of water are in a 1.0 bottle? (Hint: Start by estimating the diameter of a drop of water.)














± Vector Addition and Subtraction



In general it is best to conceptualize vectors as arrows in space, and then to make calculations with them using their


components. (You must first specify a coordinate system in order to find the components of each arrow.) This problem


gives you some practice with the components.


Let vectors , , and . Calculate the following, and express your answers as




7.0×10−2 NHEBZ





31.7 years







drops of water


drops of water


drops of water


drops of water














.- Ã .- Ã .-





ordered triplets of values separated by commas.




Part A













Part B













Part C













Part D













Part E









. = 3,5,









.Ã. = 5,4,0


Ã..Ã. = 6,4,3


.Ã. = 3,











Ã..Ã. = 11,14,8










Part F














Tracking a Plane



A radar station, located at the origin of xz plane, as shown in the figure , detects an airplane coming straight at the station





from the east. At first observation (point A), the position of the


airplane relative to the origin is . The position vector


has a magnitude of 360 and is located at exactly 40


above the horizon. The airplane is tracked for


another 123 in the vertical eastwest


plane for 5.0 ,


until it has passed directly over the station and reached point


B. The position of point B relative to the origin is (the


magnitude of is 880 ). The contact points are shown in




the diagram, where the x axis represents the ground and the


positive z direction is upward.






Part A





Define the displacement of the airplane while the radar was tracking it: . What are the


components of ?




Express in meters as an ordered pair, separating the x and z components with a comma, to two





significant figures.





Hint 1. How to approach the problem


Keep in mind that .According to the rules of vector addition and subtraction, the x





component of is .




Hint 2. Finding the components of


.Ã. = 17,12,





























. N


. – Ã . .






. – Ã














#” – Ã .


4 .


4 .

















. ? ?





What are the components of in the and directions?




Express your answer in meters as an ordered pair, separating the x and z values with commas, to





three significant figures.









Hint 3. Finding the components of





What are the components of in the and directions?




Express your answer in meters as an ordered pair, separating the x and z components with a comma,





to three significant figures.
















± Vector Dot Product



Let vectors , , and .


Calculate the following:




Part A





Hint 1. Remember the dot product equation





If and , then








. % ? ?


4 , = 276,231 6 N












% ? ?


4 , = 842,257


6 N


. = 1100,26


#” N


.- Ã .- Ã .- ÃÃ


.- 4 5 6 .- 4 5 6


.- 44 55 66


. = 10










Part B





What is the angle between and ?




Express your answer using one significant figure.





Hint 1. Remember the definition of dot products





, where is the angle between and .










Part C













Part D













Part E





Which of the following can be computed?




Hint 1. Dot product operator





The dot product operates only on two vectors. The dot product of a vector and a scalar is not defined.




J“# . .


.- ].] ].] DPT JJ . .




.ø . = 30


.ø . = 30














and are different vectors with lengths and respectively. Find the following:




Part F




Express your answer in terms of





Hint 1. What is the angle between a vector and itself?





The angle between a vector and itself is 0.




Hint 2. Remember the definition of dot products





, where is the angle between and .










Part G





If and are perpendicular,




Hint 1. What is the angle between perpendicular vectors?





The angle between vectors that are perpendicular is equal to radians or 90 degrees.






.ø .


.ø .




ø .








.- ].] ].] DPT JJ . .


= ø .











= ø .














Part H





If and are parallel,




Express your answer in terms of and .





Hint 1. What is the angle between parallel vectors?





The angle between vectors that are parallel is equal to 0.











Finding the Cross Product



The figure shows two vectors and separated by an angle .


You are given that , , and






Part A





Express as an ordered triplet of values, separated by commas.











= ø .





. . J56


.- .-


.g.- .












Part B





Find the magnitude of .










Part C





Find the sine of the angle between and .











Exercise 1.40



In each case, find the xand







of vector .




Part A





4.60 6.30




Enter your answers numerically separated by a comma. Express your answers using three significant
















.= 0,0,10




] ]. = 10


. .


TJO J = 0.707




. Ã % ?


& ?


4 , 5 = 4.60,6.30






Part B





13.2 8.91




Enter your answers numerically separated by a comma. Express your answers using three significant















Part C





15.0 22.4




Enter your answers numerically separated by a comma. Express your answers using three significant















Part D





, where 4 6




Enter your answers numerically separated by a comma. Express your answers using one significant figure.














Problem 1.81



While following a treasure map, you start at an old oak tree. You first walk 825 directly south, then turn and walk 1.25


at 30.0 west of north, and finally walk 1.00 at 40.0 north of east, where you find the treasure: a biography of


Isaac Newton!




Part A





To return to the old oak tree, in what direction should you head ? Use components to solve this problem.




. Ã & ?


% ?


4 , 5 = 8.91,13.2


– Ã . % ?


& ?


4 , 5 = 15.0,22.4


. ? – ? Ã % ?


& ?


4 , 5 = 20,30






















Part B





To return to the old oak tree, how far will you walk? Use components to solve this problem.










Score Summary:




Your score on this assignment is 63.1%.


You received 6.94 out of a possible total of 11 points.




= 8.90 J È west of south


= 911 N


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