Network and internet technology | Information Systems homework help


Network and Internet Technology

and Design

Faculty Header ID:


Contribution:100% of thecourse

Course Leader:

Jason Parke

NetSim Coursework

Deadline Date:

Monday 04/12/2022

This coursework should take an average student who is up to date with tutorial workapproximately 50 hours Feedback and grades are normally made available within 15 working days of the coursework deadline

Learning Outcomes:

A. Demonstrate knowledge of network communication, OSI and TCP/IP model.B. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the top network model with related key protocols, services, and applications.C. Evaluate common network problems (malfunction, poor performance), and adopt a systematic approach to troubleshooting and resolving the problem.D. Be competent in the use of tools designed to analyse and simulate network functionality.

Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and, if found to have occurred, will be dealt withaccording to the university’s procedures. Please see yourstudent handbook for further details of what is/isn’t plagiarism.

All material copied or amended from any source (e.g., internet, books) must be referenced correctly accordingto the reference style you are using.

Your work will be submitted for plagiarism checking. Anyattempt to bypass our plagiarism detection systems will be treated as a severe Assessment Offence.

The coursework detailed specification:

This is an individual assessment. Your investigation shouldnot be shared among other students.

The objective of the coursework is to simulate a client-server model communication over an IP network and to investigatean application and network performance in multiple providedscenarios.

This assessment requires to use NetSim simulator.

The network architecture overview:

The company’s headquarters are in Greenwich (UK). They have recently opened regional offices in New York (USA), and Dubai (Dubai). The main service provided by the New York and Dubai offices will be gathered and distributed monthly and annual reports describing sales managed by theheadquarters in Greenwich, UK. The company has decided to perform a simulation in case they will expand with anadditional call centre.

Greenwich HQ LAN: The network is undefined and needs to be designed by the student with justifications,this implies justification of several nodes, users, andapplications.

New York office LAN: It consists of 35 users connected to a core switch, Local printer, and email. They are connected to the Internet via a backbone link. Some applications run by users including printers and databases are local and others like web browsing and MS OneDrive are supported including remote desktops, in Greenwich, UK. Additionally, 8 users work from home using MS Teams & Zoom with all supportedservices.

Dubai Office LAN: It consists of 25 users connected to a core switch, Local printer, and email. They are connected to the Internet via a backbone link. Some applications run by users including printers and databases are local and others like web browsing and MS OneDrive are supported remotely, in Greenwich, UK. Additionally, 8 users work from home using MS teams & Zoom for voice and video calls.

Network Operations Centre (NOC): It would consist of 15 users connected to a core switch, Local printer, and email. They are connected to the Internet via a backbone link. Some applications run by users including printers and databases are local and others like web browsing and MS OneDrive aresupported remotely, in Greenwich, UK. All users run MS Teams & Zoom conferencing applications with Dubai Office.

The tasks:

The objective is to perform group literature research, individually build a NetSim simulation model based on the network architecture given and evaluate the behaviour of network parameters gained by simulating the use cases. The design, implementation and simulation discussion imply theinclusion of graphs and justification of made decisions or the results achieved through the simulation.

The tasks:

1. The objective is to perform group literature research.

Perform literature research on the technologies that are used in a modern network. CHOOSE 3 from thefollowing list of network technologies: –

i. 5G and WiFi 6 technologyii. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning(ML)iii. Augmented reality and virtual realityiv. Cloud computingv. DevOpsvi. Digital transformationvii. Intent-based networking (IBN)viii. Internet of Things (IoT)ix. Data Securityx. SD-WAN

There are multiple providers of such services, someexamples, are Amazon AWS, CrowdStrike and CISCO (BUT NOT LIMITED TO). Critically discuss these technologies concerning the scalability and transparency of communication, providing examples. Identify two or more commercial risks arising due to the failure of such cloud services. The discussion should be documented and should be approximately 700 words. The group should consist of two roles:

Risk assessor: The risk assessor evaluates the potential threats.

Upgrade engineer: The upgrade engineer must review the technologies from a benefit point of view. [GROUPTASK] 10%

2. Design, implement and simulate your model in the NETSIM simulator guided by the given network architecture overview. The design requires detailed documentation on the application and performance settings in the NETSIM simulator for each user and these settings justifications. Following the implementation, you are required to simulate yourscenario. [INDIVIDUAL TASK] 20%

3. The documentation must contain subnetting schemes for each LAN/WAN/MAN. Note: You should configure NetSim to use these subnets. You must provide the following: Network Address, Broadcast Address, Usable Addresses, and IP Address assignments to hosts. You must use at least two classes from the PrivateAddress Space. [INDIVIDUAL TASK] 20%

4. Investigate the behaviour of the network performance in a variety of cases. The analysis must be done regarding your expectations. Discuss the scenario and hypothesize on the possible outcomes of provided use cases followed by the analysis of the results that werereceived from the simulation. [INDIVIDUAL TASK]20%

5. You must review the following [INDIVIDUAL TASK]20%:i. Utilization of the backbone link.ii. Cloud Storage (OneDrive) average file download timeiii. Web Server page response time.iv. The behaviour of MS Teams/Zoom applicationsv. Ethernet delay on the network (bottlenecks)vi. Simulate the following use case: The new NOC will communicate with New York and Dubai offices. It is planned that 10 users will communicate with the Dubai office and 5 users will communicate with the New York office. All offices willcommunicate via MS Teams or Zoom. Investigate the behaviour of the MS Teams vs Zoom in the given scenario.vii. Evaluate the network performance in a use-case, where you would introduce at least one of the improvements that you have identified.

6. Provide a critical reflection on the tasks you carried out.


7. The document must include your concluding comments.



Perform the analysis of the results starting from the first minute. This should be done, to reduce the noise from the data caused by the initialization of network devices such as routers and switches which may have an impact onyour investigation.

The group assessment should be completed in pairs and mustinclude the following:

1. You must provide the names of all participants who contributed to the group work.2. Your submission must include exact copies of the groupwork.

Deliverables (No more than 3000 words):

A good structure report must include the following:

• A literature review on the technologies used in a provided network architecture and the benefits ofusing cloud services. Refer to Task 1.• Description of the designed and implemented scenarios, including the justifications for the design and choice ofperformance parameters. Refer to Task 2.• Documentation on the investigation of required features and use cases, including graphs and analysis of the results of the simulation. Refer to Tasks 3, 4, and 5 and the subcategories.• Based on the results; recommend your choice of consideration to improve the network model.• A critical reflection that is both evaluative and reflective.Refer to Task 6.• Concluding comments. Refer to Task 7.

Assessment Criteria:

1. Review of technologies and cloud services discussion.

(Task 1)


2. Justified design and simulation of the network architecture and applicationmodels.

(Task 2)


3. Investigation and analysis of the results.

(Task 3 + Task 4 + Task 5)


4. Recommendation of your choice for improvement of network architecture.

(Task 5 vii)


5. Critical reflection

(Task 6)


6. Conclusion

(Task 7)


>80% Excellent

Evidence of in-depth understanding, detailed investigation and analytical explanation of the results, critical and evaluative conclusion. The analysis must include a graphical representation of the results and any relevant network diagrams and identification of trends in the data. All sections were completed to an excellent standard.


Evidence of clear understanding, good analysis of the results and some critical and justified evaluation in the conclusion. The analysis must include a graphical representation of the results and any relevant network diagrams and identification of trends in the data. All sections are completed to a consistently good standard.


Evidence of an understanding of the networking fundamentals, some results attained and presented. Correct but not incredibly detailed analysis, limited evaluation (but there must be some), all sections attempted and provided.


Limited data samples and results, shallow analysis, or evaluation. Some essential elements may be missing. The provided documentation must be correct. Conclusions must be included and must be justifiable.


A poorly written report without structure. The essential elements are missing, insufficient data samples. Little or no evidence of having devised or conducted research and experiments. Little evidence of understanding, poor orincorrect analysis or the conclusion.

Criteria forAssessment






Very Good









Assessmentdomain 1(Knowledge)Demonstrate acriticalunderstanding ofthe technicalchallenges posedby current mobile systems and wirelesscommunications.

Demonstrates anexceptionalsystematicunderstanding of Network and InternetTechnology and Design and theirtechnicalchallenges. Themotivation and rationale of a chosenarea isunderpinned by an exceptionalunderstanding of relevant theory and best practices andengagement with the literature.

Demonstrates an excellentsystematicunderstanding of Network and InternetTechnology and Design and theirtechnicalchallenges. Themotivation and rationale of a chosen area areunderpinned by an excellentunderstanding of relevant theory and best practices andengagement with the literature.

Demonstrates a very goodunderstanding of Network and InternetTechnology and Design and theirtechnicalchallenges. There is evidence thatrelevant theory and best practices have been appliedeffectively in the choice of area, and there is theengagement with the literature.

Demonstratesoverall a goodunderstanding of Network and InternetTechnology and Design and theirtechnicalchallenges. There is some evidence that relevanttheory and best practices have been appliedeffectively in the choice of area, and there is someengagement with the literature.

There issatisfactoryevidencethat at least someNetwork and InternetTechnologyand Designand practiceshave beenapplied andsupported by theliterature.

There is a lack ofunderstanding of Networkand InternetTechnologyand Designand theirtechnicalchallenges.

The choice of the researchproblem lacksjustificationsand is notsupported bythe literature.

There is hardly any engagementwith relevanttechnologies,technicalchallenges,and best practices.The choice ofthe researchproblem is not based onengagementwith theliterature.

Assessment domain 2(Research)

Be able tounderstand andevaluate the key security threats that relate to


The assignmentprovidesexceptionallystrong andconsistentevidence ofcritical evaluationwhenconsidering

the security

The assignmentprovidesexcellentevidence ofcritical evaluationwhen consideringthe securityvulnerabilityor


The assignmentprovides verygood evidence ofcritical evaluationwhen consideringthe securityvulnerability orvulnerabilitiesof

the chosen

The assignmentprovides some good evidence ofcritical evaluationwhen consideringthe securityvulnerability orvulnerabilitiesof

the chosen

There is someevidence thatat least someof the securityaspects of the chosenconfigurationhave been


There is a lack ofunderstanding of thesecurityaspects of the chosenconfiguration.

No evidence

There is hardly any engagementwithunderstandingthe securityaspects of thechosenconfiguration.

No evidenceof

Network andInternetTechnology andDesign, as well as appropriatecountermeasures


vulnerability orvulnerabilities of the chosenconfiguration and the appropriatecountermeasures

. Theunderstanding is supported byextensive


the chosenconfiguration and the appropriatecountermeasures

. Theunderstanding is supported byextensiveliterature.

configuration and the appropriatecountermeasures

. Theunderstanding is supported by the appropriateliterature.

configuration and the appropriatecountermeasures

. Theunderstanding is supported bysome literature.

Theunderstanding is supported by someliterature.

of supportingliterature.


Assessmentdomain 3(Evaluation)Understand andcommunicate theperformance,costs, overheadsand trade-offs ofdifferent wireless and mobilecommunicationtechnologies.

The assignmentprovidesexceptionallystrong andconsistentevidence ofcritical evaluation when considering the adequatelychosenperformancemetrics, cost,overhead andtrade-offs of theusedtechnologies. The results of the analysis have beenclearly

presented inaccordancewith

The assignmentprovidesexcellentevidence ofcritical evaluation when considering the adequatelychosenperformancemetrics, cost,overhead andtrade-offs of theusedtechnologies. The results of the analysis have been clearlypresented inaccordance with

the providedguideline.

The assignmentprovides verygood evidence of critical evaluation when considering the chosenperformancemetrics, cost,overhead andtrade-offs of theusedtechnologies. The results of the analysis have beenpresented in accordance with the providedguideline.

The assignmentprovides somegood evidence of critical evaluation when considering the chosenperformancemetrics, cost,overhead andtrade-offs of theusedtechnologies. The results of the analysis have been presentedmostly inaccordance withthe providedguideline.

There is someevidence ofevaluationwith respect toperformancemetrics, cost,overhead andtrade-offs ofthe usedtechnologies.The analysis is not veryconclusive.


the results.

Theassignmentprovides littleevidence ofevaluationwith respecttoperformancemetrics, cost,overhead and trade-offs of the usedtechnologies. Notsatisfactorypresentationof

the results.

The assignmentlacks evidenceof evaluationwith respect toperformancemetrics, cost,overhead andtrade-offs of the usedtechnologies. No results havebeen provided.

the providedguideline.

Assessmentdomain 4(Communication) Be able tocommunicateavailabletechnologies forthe design andimplementationof mobile andwireless networksaccording to userrequirements.

Communicates an exceptionalsystematicunderstanding of Network andInternetTechnology andDesign processes based on userrequirements.

Theunderstanding is supported by extensiveliterature.

Communicates an excellentand systematicunderstanding of Network andInternetTechnology andDesign processes based on userrequirements.

Theunderstanding is supported by extensiveliterature.

Communicates a very goodunderstanding of Network and InternetTechnology and Design processesbased on userrequirements.

Theunderstanding is supported by theappropriateliterature.

Communicatesoverall a goodunderstanding of Network and InternetTechnology and Design processesbased on the userrequirements.

Theunderstanding is supported by someliterature.

There issatisfactoryevidence thatat least someuserrequirementshave beenCommunicate d in Network and InternetTechnologyand Designprocesses and is supported bysome


There is a lack ofunderstanding of Networkand InternetTechnologyand Designprocessesbased on userrequirements.No evidenceof supportingliterature.

There is hardlyany engagementwith anunderstandingof Network andInternetTechnology and Designprocesses based on userrequirements.

No evidence of supportingliterature.

Assessmentdomain 5(Referencing)

Determiningappropriateresources.Sources used areacknowledgedin the text andreference listusing correct

academic citation

Evidence ofdetermining anextensive list of outstandingresources. Allsources used areacknowledged.

Evidence ofdeterminingexcellentresources. Allsources used areacknowledged.

Evidence ofdetermining very good resources. All sources usedareacknowledged.

Good evidence of determiningappropriateresources. Allsources used areacknowledged.

Some evidence of determiningappropriateresources.

Most sourcesused areacknowledged

Poor evidence ofdeterminingappropriateresources.

Most sourcesused are notacknowledged

No evidence ofdeterminingappropriateresources.

Sources usedare notacknowledged

Assessmentdomain 6(Employability)

Developingtransferable skills suchinterpersonalskills and human relations withinteamwork,organisation, andcommunication.Also, timemanagement and commitment to meeting goals, both short-term andlong-term.

Ability to reflect on these skills.

Outstanding and effective groupdynamics.

Outstandingeffort tocommunicate,motivate andinspire membersfrom the CWgroup.

Outstandingevidence ofability toreflect on group work.Outstanding timemanagement and meeting goals ahead of the planned time.

Excellentparticipationwithin groupwork.Excellenteffort tocommunicate,motivate andcollaborate withmembers from the

CW group.Excellentevidence ofability to reflect on group work.Excellent good group dynamics.Excellent timemanagement.

Very goodparticipationwithin groupwork. Very good effort tocommunicate andcollaborate withmembers from the CWgroup.

Very goodevidence ofability to reflect on group work.Very good groupdynamics. Very good timemanagementwith noissues incommitting to meetinggoals.

Goodparticipationwithin groupwork.   Goodeffort tocommunicate andcollaborate withmembers from the

CW group. Goodevidence ofability to reflect on group work. Good groupdynamics with minorissues.

Good timemanagementwith minor issues in committing to meetinggoals.

Someparticipationwithin groupwork.Limitedeffort tocommunicateandcollaboratewith membersfrom the

CW group.Some evidence of ability toreflect ongroup work.

Groupdynamicshaving areas of concern. Ok timemanagementwith someissues incommittingto

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