Speech1311 assignment #3 group project (the four steps need to be

  Group Project Instructions – Step 1 and Step 2

Chapter7  https://oup-arc.com/access/content/adler-uhc-13e-student-resources/58dea3ef2e97310f001c3164 

Chapter8  https://oup-arc.com/access/content/adler-uhc-13e-student-resources/58dea42f2e97310f001c3165 

Chapter9  https://oup-arc.com/access/content/adler-uhc-13e-student-resources/58dea4742e97310f001c3166 

Chapter10  https://oup-arc.com/access/content/adler-uhc-13e-student-resources/58dea4be2e97310f001c3167 

Working Effectively in Teams – Videos

ATTENTION:  You MUST watch these three short videos before starting on your group project.  Each video explains important concepts related to effective team building, team motivation and resolving team conflicts.This first video explains how Google executives build the perfect team.  You and your team members should encourage equal participation and effective listening as you work together on this project.   Click the video image to watch the video in a pop-up window (requires Flash)Watch VideoHow Google builds the perfect teamDuration: 2:23
User: n/a – Added: 7/18/16


In this second video, we learn how teams can build and maintain motivation to get the task done.  Pay particular attention to these strategies.   Click the video image to watch the video in a pop-up window (requires FlashWatch VideoHow to keep your team motivatedDuration: 3:58
User: n/a – Added: 7/31/15


Last, click the video image to watch the video in a pop-up window (requires Flash).Watch VideoLindred Greer: Managing Conflict in TeamsDuration: 7:59
User: n/a – Added: 10/31/14


In working with teams, we interact with our peers–even difficult peers–to accomplish a task. Hopefully this project will help you learn some of those skills.


Group Project Instructions (Document Form)

Attached Files:

For your convenience, all of the group project Step assignments have been compiled into one document. This document is just for your convenience, it is not a separate set of assignments. If you choose, you can download this document and see all the Steps in front of you when you are in the Group Discussion Board.


Group Work Step 1: Your Profile (Click Here to Access Group Area)

Click on the Group Work Step 1 underlined link above to find your Group Members’ names and the Group Discussion Board where you will post Step 1.

In Step 1, you will introduce yourself to your group members through a discussion of your feelings towards virtual group work, a leadership and follower profile, and a picture of yourself.  To prepare for this Step, read chapter 9.

1. First, read pages 245-248 about what a group is, and focus specifically on the section on Virtual Groups. Page 248 has five great tips for Building an Effective Team Online. You will comment on each one:

  1. Encourage socializing: Tell your group about yourself briefly: likes, dislikes, schedule, important aspects of your life. (When you are done writing your paragraph, you will read your group members’ paragraphs and comment on their Step 1 paragraphs to socialize with them!)
  2. Strive for face time: Is there a time/day of the week you could possibly meet face to face or over skype/face time/chat? What are your preferences regarding this?  (Note: this project is designed to be fully online—you are not required to meet in person)
  3. Allow and encourage side channels: You might not ever end up meeting your group due to the online nature of this class, but discuss some possibilities. (i.e. could you talk on the phone, via text, on Facebook?) 
  4. Make expectations clear: Are deadlines firm or negotiable? How close to the due date/time do you like to begin work? What is your expectations for what’s acceptable?
  5. Provide training as necessary: Not everyone has the same level of technological savvy. Having read the instructions for this assignment, do you have any questions about some of the tools on Blackboard you are being asked to use.

2. Then, take the Self-Assessment: Leadership Approach on page 262. Which orientation best describes your leadership style? Do you agree or disagree with the description? Highlight, bold, or underline the orientation term from the text.

3. Lastly, post your paragraphs in the Step 1 forum of your Group Discussion Board. Attach or insert a picture of yourself. DO NOT attach your written profile if you wrote it in a Word or other Document—copy and paste or directly type your paragraphs in for your group members to read. (Meaning, they shouldn’t need to click on anything or download anything to read your profile).

As your group members’ posts appear, read their profiles and reply to their profiles by saying hello, or something you found interesting about them. NOTE: You will need to post your profile about 24 hours (minimum) before the actual due time to allow your group members to comment back to you. Effective group communication begins with being considerate of other people’s schedules. Beginning to discuss at least 24 hours prior to the due time shows that consideration and will be factored into your grade.

Step 1 is worth 50 points (30 for profile answers, 5 for picture, 5 for responding to group members, and 10 for responding (with supporting comments) to your leadership profile.

Remember to subscribe to the forum so that when your group members post, you will be notified via email. See this document:  How to Subscribe to a Forum S15.pdf How to Subscribe to a Forum S15.pdf – Alternative Formats


Group Work Step 2: Decision Making (Click here to Access Group Area)

In Step 2, your group’s task is to read the prompt and decide how to move forward. Use your Group Discussion Board Step 2 Forum to communicate with one another. Click on the PINK link above to get to your group area and go to the Step 2 Forum of the Group Discussion Board.

1. Your group will analyze relationship dynamics via a popular television series. Your series choices are “Big Bang Theory,”  “Jane the Virgin,” “Black’ish” or Modern Family.”  

2. AS A GROUP, decide on ONE series and then narrow down to a season and then to 1 or 2 episodes in particular. Make sure that everyone in your group has either seen the movie/episode(s), or can get access to it easily (Full episodes online, hulu.com, redbox, Netflix, etc.) If at all possible, post a link to the episode directly.

  • You should have this conversation on your Group Discussion Board in “Groups” in the Step 2 Forum. You can subscribe to the forum so that you are alerted by email every time someone posts. NOTE: You are allowed to communicate with your group in another fashion, such as group emails, texts, Skype, even a conference call. However, someone will have to post who all contributed and what the decisions were in the Step 2 forum, otherwise I won’t be able to grade your participation!

3. Watch the chosen episode(s) and choose TWO key terms from Chapter 7 or Chapter 8, or one term from each chapter (a list of Key Terms for chapter 7 is on page 210 and for chapter 8 on page 241) that you saw in the episode.

4. Create a group list of which Key Terms you will use for the next Step, so that no one else in your group chooses the same one, preventing overlap. Write it this way: “I, (insert your name), am choosing ____ and ____ as my two key terms.” Then the next person will reply to the first person, copy and paste the first person’s terms into their thread and add their own. By the end you should have this:

[Group Member #1 name] chose ____ and ____.
[Group Member #2 name] chose ____ and ____.
[Group Member #3 name] chose ____ and ____.

Lastly, I, (insert your name), am choosing ____ and ____ . (One entry for each person in your group, so that by the time the last person posts, your instructor can see everyone’s terms in a compiled list. Also, this way you can keep track and absolutely make sure you aren’t choosing something that a group member has already chosen. Otherwise the different threads can get overlooked.) 

NOTE: You are not actually writing any analysis of your two terms yet. You’re just telling your group members which terms you are claiming. Your written analysis will be Step 3.If someone does not contribute meaningfully to making a decision and posting their terms to Step 2 in the Group Discussion Board forum, that person will not receive points for this step.

Remember to subscribe to the forum so that when your group members post, you will be notified via email.

Step 2 is worth 25 points (10 for contributing to deciding the show to watch, 10 points for posting two terms that don’t overlap with your group members’ choices, 5 for contributing in the form of a compiled group list).


Rubric for Group Work

Step 1 (50 points)

___/20 Points – Answering all prompts in #1 (a-e; 2 pts each)

___/20 Points – Taking Leadership Assessment and bolding/highlighting/underlining orientation; then respond to your assessment results with a minimum of three sentences. 

___/5 Points – Responding politely and with interest to AT LEAST ONE, if not all, of your group members’ posts

___/5 Points – Picture of yourself posted (must be appropriate)

___/-10 points may be deducted for posting profile (not response) less than 24 hours before the deadline

Step 2 (25 points)
___/10 Points – Contributed to brainstorming and choosing a TV show/episode at least 24 hours before due date (note up to -10 points may be deducted for posting less than 24 hours before the deadline)
___/10 Points – Choosing and posting two unique Key Terms from Chapters 7 and/or 8 (must not overlap with another group member)

___/5 points – Adding your key terms to a compiled group list (doesn’t pertain to the first person to post)

 Step 3 (50 points)

___/20 Points – First chosen Key Term paraphrased definition and paragraph

___/20 Points – Second chosen Key Term paraphrased definition and paragraph

 (-2 if each term is not highlighted, underlined, or in CAPS in each paragraph)

___/10 Points – Reviewing and confirming at least one group member has done their portion correctly or incorrectly

 Step 4 (25 points)

___/10 points – Posting your paragraphs to the Wiki more than 24 hours before the deadline
___/15 Points – Reviewing Wiki and contributing at least one meaningful edit to the Wiki in the form of adding picture(s), formatting everyone’s paragraphs to look consistent, etc.


Group Properties

Group Description

This area contains your group member’s names and the Group Discussion Board forum (below)  you will use to post and/or discuss Steps 1-3 and the Group Wiki area to post and edit Step 4 of your Group Project. All of the instructions can be found in the “Group Project” menu link.

Group Members Click for more options


Assignment #3 –  Step One – Group Project

Last, we are beginning the group project. Go to “Group Project” and click on “Group Project Instructions” to read the instructions for the group project thoroughly. The first step of your Group Project is due this week–only the first step.

For Step 1, you should not only post your own profile, but comment on one another’s posts to say hello and view their pictures. A document containing all of the instructions for the full group project is available for you to download and print, and I encourage you to do so.

A note about the group project….I know many of you are probably concerned about completing a group project fully online. Please allow me to allay those concerns. This project is about good group communication. Therefore, if you are doing your part, communicating well with your group members, and being considerate of them, then your grade is secure. If someone is NOT being considerate of others, NOT doing their part, and NOT communicating with the group, do not worry.

If someone doesn’t participate in a timely fashion, here is what I want you to do: Send out an email to ALL your group members expressing your concern and suggesting a solution. If that concern goes unheeded and the solution ignored, simply move on without the defunct group member. Forward me the email you sent (and any resulting communication) along with a brief explanation and I’ll take it from there. If however, you email me that someone is not participating and you have NOT attempted to resolve the problem with them, I will likely point out the semblance of this behavior to an elementary school “tattle tale.” 🙂 In sum, I want you to learn some strategies for dealing with issues that arise when communicating with others in an online setting. This is a skill you will likely be in need of for the rest of your life. However, I do not wish to see you penalized and I do not mind stepping in once you’ve tried your strategies.

In closing, you are doing well as a class so far.  Please communicate with me when you have questions.  I am here to support your learning.  I want you to do well.

 Group Project Instructions – Step 3 and Step 4

  • Description
  • Read Chapters 9 & 10, and then click on the underlined link “Group Project Instructions” to find the instructions, a brief video, Step by Step instructions for this assignment, an example and the rubric.  Step 1 is due Thursday and Step 2 will be due Sunday. Click here to find both.
  • Read
  • Chapters 7-10
  • Points
  • 75 points (25 points for Step 3 and 25 points for Step 4 )
  • Process
  • Group work
  • Objectives
  • DCCCD SPCH 1311 Course Objective V: Participating as a productive member of a small group. Learning Objective for Small Group Participation: When students complete this assignment they should be able to interact with other members in order to play useful roles;  to establish long-term and short term goals; to meet deadlines; and to assess the effectiveness of small group behavior including effectiveness in a computer-mediated environment.
  • Instructions
  • Effective communication within groups of individuals is a vital skill in today’s global job market. Ideally, we’d all be working face-to-face, all of the time–however, as technology is ever expanding, we know that cannot be possible. Therefore, we must all learn how to communicate effectively with other online.
    The focus of this group project is effective communication with your group. The final product of your project should be quite simple. The real effort will be in communicating with your group members to make choices that work for everyone and communicate often enough and clearly enough to make sure that you don’t overlap in your analysis. You will follow 4 steps to completing this project online, all involving effective communication. You will be graded on how well you communicate your ideas, objections, and contributions to your group. You may be graded on how well you handle non-participating members, but your grade won’t be impacted if someone simply stops “attending” the project. They will be removed from the group and your grade will not be impacted.
  • Student Grouping
  • By clicking on the “Groups” link below the instructions in Group Project, OR by going to the Groups menu link, you will find your group members names and a Group Discussion Board where you will primarily communicate with your group members. Feel free to Subscribe to each forum so that you can be notified when someone posts and read or respond back immediately. You should never let more than 48 hours pass before responding to a group member’s post.
    Download this document for an explanation of how to subscribe to a forum:
    How to Subscribe to a Forum S15.pdf 


Group Work Step 3: Individual Contribution (Click here to Access Group Area)

In Step 3, each group member will use their two key terms from Chapter 7 or Chapter 8, or one term from each chapter (a list of “Key Terms” for chapter 7 is on page 210, and for chapter 8 on page 240) chosen back in Step 2 to look for and analyze in the sitcom episode. Click on the  link above to get to your Group area. 

Step 3 will be completed in the Group Discussion Board Step 3 Forum.

  1. You will begin this step by writing a paraphrased definition of the first term you chose in your own words, followed by a paragraph for that term explaining how you saw it demonstrated in the episode. Underline, CAPITALIZE or highlight the terminology used in your paragraph.
  2. Then write a paraphrased definition of the second term you chose in your own words, followed by a paragraph for that term explaining how you saw it demonstrated in the episode. Underline, CAPITALIZE or highlight the terminology used in your paragraph.
  3. You should look at what your group members have posted to make sure you have done the assignment correctly and that they have done the assignment correctly. Reply to at least one group member to confirm that they have done the assignment correctly or incorrectly.

Step 3 is worth 50 individual points for posting two paragraphs (pictures optional) and a response to a group member.

Paragraphs should begin with a paraphrased definition of each term (10 points for each), followed by an explanation of its role in the show (10 points for each paragraph, -24for each term not underlined, capitalized, or highlighted), there should be a reply to at least one group member that they’ve done it correctly (10 points), and be delivered to your group members’ discussion board on time.

Remember to subscribe to the forum so that when your group members post, you will be notified via email.


Group Work Step 4: Create a Group Wiki

In Step 4, your group will create a Wiki page using all of your Individual Contributions from Step 3

  1. The FIRST person to go to the Group Wiki page will click “Create Wiki Page.” Once a Group Wiki page is created, everyone else will click “Edit Wiki Content” (you should not have multiple Wikis–just one that everyone edits).
  2. You will post your two paragraphs with paraphrased definitions to your Group Wiki at least 24 hours before the deadline, allowing your group members enough time to edit your work. Make sure if your group members and/or instructor gave you feedback in Step 3 and requested you change something that you have taken that feedback into account.
  3. You should provide AT LEAST ONE edit to your group member’s posts. This can include:
    1. Correcting 3-5 spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors (must have been incorrect to begin with–you can’t make one incorrect then change it back)
    2. Formatting all paragraphs to contain the same underline, highlight, bold, spacing etc. for a consistent, clean looking Wiki
    3. Adding pictures to paragraphs for a scene (if missing)
    4. Correcting anything that a group member neglected to fix from Step 3

By the end you should have each group member’s contribution labeled by name, formatted to look like everyone else’s in terms of font, underlining/bold/highlighting, spacing, and should include at least one picture per scene discussed. Remember–the goal is to communicate clearly with your group, working with each person’s unique strengths to provide a clean, interesting page that thoroughly analyzes this show.

Step 4 is worth 25 individual points for posting two corrected paragraphs from Step 3 and for providing a clear edit or multiple edits to your group members’ posts. Paragraphs should include a paraphrased definition of each term, explanation of its role in the show, and be delivered to your group members’ Wiki area 24 hours in advance of the deadline.

Points will be awarded to each INDIVIDUAL for contributing in this step to the project. Therefore, someone not contributing won’t lower YOUR grade, only theirs. You must click SUBMIT after editing Wiki Content for your contributions to be saved and visible to the group.

Click this link to open a helpf file for wiki:  WikiHelp.pdf WikiHelp.pdf – Alternative Formats


Group Project Rubric

Step 1 (50 points)

___/20 Points – Answering all prompts in #1 (a-e; 2 pts each)

___/20 Points – Taking Leadership Assessment and bolding/highlighting/underlining orientation; then respond to your assessment results with a minimum of three sentences. 

___/5 Points – Responding politely and with interest to AT LEAST ONE, if not all, of your group members’ posts

___/5 Points – Picture of yourself posted (must be appropriate)

___/-10 points may be deducted for posting profile (not response) less than 24 hours before the deadline

Step 2 (25 points)
___/10 Points – Contributed to brainstorming and choosing a TV show/episode at least 24 hours before due date (note up to -10 points may be deducted for posting less than 24 hours before the deadline)
___/10 Points – Choosing and posting two unique Key Terms from Chapters 7 and/or 8 (must not overlap with another group member)

___/5 points – Adding your key terms to a compiled group list (doesn’t pertain to the first person to post)

 Step 3 (50 points)

___/20 Points – First chosen Key Term paraphrased definition and paragraph

___/20 Points – Second chosen Key Term paraphrased definition and paragraph

 (-2 if each term is not highlighted, underlined, or in CAPS in each paragraph)

___/10 Points – Reviewing and confirming at least one group member has done their portion correctly or incorrectly

 Step 4 (25 points)

___/10 points – Posting your paragraphs to the Wiki more than 24 hours before the deadline
___/15 Points – Reviewing Wiki and contributing at least one meaningful edit to the Wiki in the form of adding picture(s), formatting everyone’s paragraphs to look consistent, etc.

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