Bam 501 : human relations quiz

1) Bill works in the payroll department at Cooper Metals. He is responsible for

 ensuring employee paychecks are accurate. Most of Cooper’s employees work

 irregular hours including occasional overtime, which makes his job even more

 challenging. When an employee believes their check is wrong, Bill is the first

 to hear about it. The resulting stress wears on him. What is the cause of

 Bill’s stress?


A) Authority level

B) Autonomy level

C) Work pace

D) Error visibility


2) Bennett is a Customer Services Manager. The right Bennett has in the work-

 place to give orders and expect those orders to be obeyed is known as

A) command

B) behavior

C) authority

D) teamwork


3) Which term refers to the number of employees voluntarily quitting their jobs

 in a given period of time?

A) Tardiness

B) Downsizing

C) Turnover

D) Absenteeism


4) The work pace involved in an employee’s job is best described as which of

 the following?

A) The length of time needed to complete one task.

B) The time required to perform a job task and the time between tasks.

C) The maximum speed the fastest worker can perform a task flawlessly.

D) The diversity or differences in the speed of work.


5) The work pace variety involved in an employee’s job is best described as

 which of the following?

A) The time required to perform a job task and the time between tasks.

B) The diversity or differences in the speed of work.

C) The maximum speed the fastest worker can perform a task flawlessly.

D) The length of time needed to complete one task.


6) The task duration involved in an employee’s job is best described as which of

 the following?

A) The diversity or differences in the speed of work.

B) The maximum speed the fastest worker can perform a task flawlessly.

C) The time required to perform a job task and the time between tasks.

D) The length of time needed to complete one task.


7) What is meant when we talk about accuracy in work?

A) How accountable someone is for obtaining results from their work tasks.

B) The fixing of close, undivided attention on a work task.

C) The precision or exactness needed to complete a work task.

D) How difficult the work task is to perform.


8) The amount of responsibility an employee has in their job is evident through


A) the precision or exactness needed by the employee when completing their job


B) the fixing of close, undivided attention on the employee as they perform their


C) the difficulty of the tasks the employee performs in their job

D) the accountability the employee has for obtaining results in their job tasks


9) An individual who has power and the ability to make decisions about the utili-

 zation of the organization’s resources has which of the following?

A) Responsibility

B) Authority

C) Autonomy

D) Accountability


10) Employees who spend more time spreading gossip about others than perform-

 ing their jobs are known as ________.

A) Lazy workers

B) Squealers

C) Critics

D) Lone wolfs


11) When studying perceptions, the term mental set refers to which of the follow-

 ing statements?

A) An individual’s aggregate perceptions of work.

B) The individual’s perception of what they want regardless of reality.

C) What an individual thinks is happening.

D) The factual influences in an individual’s life.


12) Perceptual filters are those elements that describe which of the following?

A) An opinion formed with no basis or fact.

B) How others view our words and actions.

C) Our attitudes about people and things.

D) Impulses we do not consciously eliminate.


13) ________ is the act of attributing our own traits, faults, or motives onto others?

A) Two-valued reasoning

B) Inference

C) Projection

D) Halo effect


14) Chris made a snap judgment about why Charlie was late for work today. On

 what basis did Chris make his decision?

A) He made his decision using a belief or conclusion he held with confidence

 but was not substantiated with any proof.

B) He made his decision through an instant evaluation determined without the

 benefit of any fact or experience.

C) He made his decision based on what everyone in the workplace agreed was


D) He made his decision using information he knew or assumed to be true.


15) John made the assumption that because Bill is good at inventory ordering, he

 will automatically be good at data entry. On what basis is John making this


A) He is using projection.

B) He is using the halo effect.

C) He is a victim of the fallacy of composition.

D) He is using the rusty halo effect.


16) Which of the following statements best describes the fallacy of composition?

A) The ignoring or distorting of reality to hold onto assumptions.

B) The assumption that when one event precedes another, the first caused the


C) The assumption that what is true of a part is true also of the whole.

D) The assumption that what is true for the whole is true for each of the parts.


17) Which of the following statements best describes the fallacy of division?

A) The assumption that what is true for the whole is true for each of the parts.

B) The ignoring or distorting of reality to hold onto assumptions.

C) The assumption that what is true of a part is true also of the whole.

D) The assumption that when one event precedes another, the first caused the



18) Which of the following statements best describes the fallacy of wishing it

 were so?

A) The assumption that what is true for the whole is true for each of the parts.

B) The assumption that when one event precedes another, the first caused the


C) The ignoring or distorting of reality to hold onto assumptions.

D) The assumption that what is true of a part is true also of the whole.


19) Jamison worked hard for his degree. He even had a mock diploma hanging

 over his desk as motivation. Graduation day was the proudest day of his life.

 Jamison was now pushing the employees he manages to enroll in college and

 get a degree. “If a degree meant so much to me,” he reasoned, “it will mean

 much to them, and it will motivate them.” What type of reasoning is Jamison


A) Multivalued Reasoning

B) Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc

C) Fallacy of Division

D) Fallacy of Wishing it Were So


20) Martha is a supervisor at Cooper Corporation. Communication that flows from

 her office to the employees that work for her is referred to as ________.

A) Lateral communication

B) Downward communication

C) Upward communication

D) Sideway communication


21) As Deb works this morning compiling sales and expense results for her work

 unit, she prepares the documents in a format required by her supervisor. This

 type of feedback is referred to as ________.

A) Lateral communication

B) Upward communication

C) Open-door policy

D) Downward communication


22) A sender choosing the words and symbols to include in a message is begin

 ning the process of ________.

A) Channeling

B) Encoding

C) Feedback

D) Decoding


23) A receiver translating a sender’s message is beginning the process of


A) Channeling

B) Encoding

C) Decoding

D) Feedback


24) Deliberately manipulating a sender’s message content to make it appear more

 favorable to the receiver is called ________.

A) Language

B) Selective perception

C) Emotions

D) Filtering


25) Which message channel is best for delivering the maximum amount of the

 sender’s message content?

A) Third-party

B) Face-to-face

C) Face-to-group

 D) Phone


26) When using face-to-face communication channel, how much of your total

 message is contributed through gestures and other nonverbal signals?

A) 55%

B) 38%

C) 7%

D) 45%



27) Doublespeak is best defined by which statement?

A) ”Friday will be your last workday. We are debloating the workforce.”

B) ”We have too many employees. In other words, some people have to be


C) ”It is essential that you check everything twice.”

D) Don’t make me say it again.”


28) Which part of the head provides the most important and key nonverbal symbols?

A) The mouth

B) The forehead

C) The eyes

D) The nose



29) Snap judgments are best defined as ________.

A) conclusions drawn instantly

B) forming opinions

C) all-inclusive words

D) deliberate deception of others



30) The communication barrier that relates to an individual’s status in the organization is known as ________.

A) rank

B) credibility gap

C) gatekeeping

D) verbal cocoon


31) What do we call a person or device that controls or limits access to another


A) Gatekeeper

B) Doorkeeper

C) Credibility gap keeper

D) Verbal cocoon keeper



32) Amanda has been told to use open questions when she interviews job candidates. What should she be considering as she prepares her questions?

A) Questions requiring more than just a yes or no answer.

B) Questions with more than two correct answers.

C) Questions with no answer.

D) Questions that can be answered yes or no.



33) What is required for listening to occur?

A) Hearing information

B) Wanting and needing the information

C) Proximity and proclivity

D) Hearing and attending to the information



34) Options involved in a conflict involve which of the following?

A) The alternatives that will resolve a conflict.

B) The different approaches to starting a conflict.

C) The alternative approaches to ending a conflict.

D) The different approaches to handling a conflict.



35) In a conflict, an alternative would be ________.

A) the consequences of not resolving a conflict

B) the consequences of not starting a conflict

C) the third party affected by the conflict

D) the third party involved in the conflict



36) ”I would like to call this first meeting of union representatives and management to discuss quality issues to order,” said Senior VP Raul Chavez. ”As you all

should now, we must either significantly increase quality or we will lose virtually

all of our current contracts.” Denise Wallace interjected, “The union has drawn

up a list of actions for both union members and management to take and I previously sent a copy

to Andy Dobbins.” Dobbins, Senior Operations Manager, held up the list and said, “I’ve looked

over the list and most of these are workable. I’ve also added a few ideas from management.”

Raul looked around the table and said, “May I suggest we look over everything we have to date,

change or make additions to that and come to a consensus on actions managers and union

members can take?” The others nodded in agreement. What

conflict characteristics are present here?

1. feud mentality

2. everyone syndrome

3. going for broke

4. me syndrome

5. you syndrome

6. problem-solving mentality

A) 2 and 6

B) 1, 3, 4, and 5

C) 2, 4, 5, and 6

D) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6


37) Jamal looked at Sue and said, “We have to renegotiate these rates. The price

 of energy has dropped dramatically and our recent school funding referendum

 failed. My high school cannot afford to heat the buildings properly at this

 rate. Energy costs are second only to teacher salaries for us. If we can’t

 get a better rate, the board has no choice but to close this school and send

 the students across the town. That will mean overcrowding for the students

 but it will also mean much less money for you because that building has the

 experimental solar and methane gas co-generation plant. If the rate can be

 cut in half, we would be willing to extend our agreement to buy from you beyond the 18 months

we have left to 4 years.”What is the conflict demand in

 this situation?

A) To build a co-generation plant.

B) To close the building and move the students across town.

C) To extend the current agreement to four years.

D) To reduce the energy rate to half the current rate.



38) Which of the following situations describes proper etiquette for using the office copier?

A) Your job involves making 20 copies of 8 pages on letterhead paper with

 120% magnification, increased darkness, 2-sided copies from 1-sided originals, collated, and stapled. When your job is done, you leave the machine

 with this setup just in case the next person who makes copies needs the

 same thing.

B) Your job involves making 20 copies of 8 pages on letterhead paper with

 120% magnification, increased darkness, 2-sided copies of 1-sided originals,

 collated, and stapled. Frank is asking you to stop your job so that he can

 make 15 copies of 1 page.

C) You need to make 6 copies of 1 page and believe you should go before Frank

 who needs to make 14 copies of 31 pages.

D) You are in the middle of making 80 copies of 3 pages. Frank needs to make

 one copy of 200 pages and has asked to interrupt your job.



39) Which of the following situations describes proper etiquette when you are the

 one CALLING a meeting?

A) You invite the whole department, 27 people, to a problem-solving meeting.

B) You ask for a volunteer to arrange the date, time, and location of the meeting.

C) You arrive late so you are not kept waiting.

D) You prepare an agenda so the group knows what will be discussed.



40) Today’s etiquette indicates that cell phones should be used in which of the

 following places?

A) In the classroom

B) In the theater

C) In the restaurant

D) None of the above



41) Meetings that last longer than ________ should include a scheduled break.

A) 75

B) 90

C) 60

D) 45



42) Moral principles of right conduct are ________.

A) morality

B) responsibility

C) ethics

D) etiquette



43) The goodness or badness of human action or behavior is ________.

A) ethics

B) morality

C) responsibility

D) etiquette



44) A manager who focuses on social goals as the overall goal of management

 would be considered to follow the ________ philosophy of social responsibility

A) Profit-action

B) Trustee-of-profit

C) Profit-quest

D) Enlightened self-interest



45) Laying off employees and reorganizing a firm is typically referred to as


A) downsizing

B) acquisition

C) implementation

D) quality management



46) What are the technical skills an employee needs to complete the job duties

 as outlined in their job description?

A) The skills needed to supervise other individuals.

B) The skills needed to manage yourself.

C) The skills needed to perform job tasks.

D) The skills to communicate and work with others.



47) What are the interpersonal skills an employee needs to complete the job duties as outlined in their job description?

A) The skills to communicate and work with others.

B) The skills needed to supervise other individuals.

C) The skills needed to perform job tasks.

D) The skills needed to manage yourself.



48) The process of job design includes ________.

A) Creating a list of tasks needed to be performed in order to manage a job.

B) Listing the assortment of skills a person needs to perform their job.

C) Planning how and when to hire employees.

D) Defining and dividing tasks into jobs and describing the jobs and individuals

 best capable of performing them.



49) What type of organization design is focused on how knowledge is acquired

 and disseminated throughout a firm?

A) Horizontal organization

B) Learning organization

C) Virtual organization

D) Liberation management organization



50) Mark Majors is Vice-President of Marketing at a large consumer products

 company. Augusta Sinclair is a new Advertising Manager. Salvador Pina is

 the chief salesperson. A reorganization is in progress. In order to follow the

 chain of command principle, which one of these structures is NOT permissible?

A) Mark, Augusta, and Salvador all managed by separate individuals

B) Mark managing Augusta and Salvador

C) Mark managing Augusta and Salvador in a separate department


D) Augusta managing Mark and Salvador



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