Csc 155 exam mcqs | Computer Science homework help

Question 1 
1. Main memory is called ____.
 read only memory
 random access memory
 read and write memory
 random read only memory
3 points    
Question 2 
1. The ____ is the brain of the computer and the single most expensive piece of hardware in your personal computer.
3 points    
Question 3 
1. The ____ carries out all arithmetic and logical operations.
3 points    
Question 4 
1. The ____ holds the instruction currently being executed.
3 points    
Question 5 
1. When the power is switched off, everything in ____ is lost.
 main memory
 secondary storage
 hard disks
 floppy disks
3 points    
Question 6 
1. ____ programs perform a specific task.
3 points    
Question 7 
1. The ____ monitors the overall activity of the computer and provides services.
 Central Processing Unit
 operating system
 arithmetic logic unit
 control unit
3 points    
Question 8 
1. Which of the following is NOT an output device?     
 secondary storage
3 points    
Question 9 
1. ____ represent information with a sequence of 0s and 1s.
 Analog signals
 Application programs
 Digital signals
 System programs
3 points    
Question 10 
1. A sequence of eight bits is called a ____.
 binary digit
3 points    
Question 11 
1. The digit 0 or 1 is called a binary digit, or ____.
3 points    
Question 12 
1. The term GB refers to ____.
 giant byte
 group byte
 great byte
3 points    
Question 13 
1. ____ consists of 65,536 characters.
3 points    
Question 14 
1. A program called a(n) ____ translates instructions written in high-level languages into machine code.
3 points    
Question 15 
1. A program called a(n) ____ combines the object program with the programs from libraries.
3 points    
Question 16 
1. Consider the following C++ program.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << “Hello World “
    return 0;

In the cout statement, the missing semicolon in the code above will be caught by the ____.
 control unit
3 points    
Question 17 
1. A program that loads an executable program into main memory is called a(n) ____.
3 points    
Question 18 
1. A step-by-step problem-solving process in which a solution is arrived at in a finite amount of time is called a(n) ____.
3 points    
Question 19 
1. To develop a program to solve a problem, you start by ____.
 analyzing the problem
 implementing the solution in C++
 designing the algorithm
 entering the solution into a computer system
3 points    
Question 20 
1. In C++, the mechanism that allows you to combine data and operations on the data into a single unit is called a(n) ____.
3 points    
Question 21 
1. Which of the following is a legal identifier?
 program 1
3 points    
Question 22 
1. All of the following are examples of integral data types EXCEPT ____.
3 points    
Question 23 
1. Which of the following is a valid char value?
3 points    
Question 24 
1. The value of the expression 17 % 7 is ____.
3 points    
Question 25 
1. The expression static_cast<int>(9.9) evaluates to ____.
3 points    
Question 26 
1. The length of the string “computer science” is ____.
3 points    
Question 27 
1. Suppose that count is an int variable and count = 1. After the statement count++; executes, the value of count is ____.
3 points    
Question 28 
1. Suppose that alpha and beta are int variables. The statement alpha = –beta; is equivalent to the statement(s) ____.     
 alpha = 1 – beta;
 alpha = beta – 1;
 beta = beta – 1;
alpha = beta;
 alpha = beta;
beta = beta – 1;
3 points    
Question 29 
1. Suppose that alpha and beta are int variables. The statement alpha = beta++; is equivalent to the statement(s) ____.
 alpha = 1 + beta;
 alpha = alpha + beta;
 alpha = beta;
beta = beta + 1;
 beta = beta + 1;
alpha = beta;
3 points    
Question 30 
1. Suppose that alpha and beta are int variables. The statement alpha = ++beta; is equivalent to the statement(s) ____.
 beta = beta + 1;
alpha = beta;
 alpha = beta;
beta = beta + 1;
 alpha = alpha + beta;
 alpha = beta + 1;
3 points    
Question 31 
1. Choose the output of the following C++ statement:
cout << “Sunny ” << ‘n’ << “Day ” << endl;
 Sunny nDay
 Sunny nDay endl
 Sunny n
3 points    
Question 32 
1. Which of the following is the new line character?
3 points    
Question 33 
1. Consider the following code.

// Insertion Point 1

using namespace std;
const float PI = 3.14;

int main()
    //Insertion Point 2

    float r = 2.0;
    float area;
    area = PI * r * r;

    cout << “Area = ” << area <<endl;
    return 0;
// Insertion Point 3

In this code, where does the include statement belong?
 Insertion Point 1
 Insertion Point 2
 Insertion Point 3
 Anywhere in the program
3 points    
Question 34 
1. ____ are executable statements that inform the user what to do.
 Prompt lines
 Named constants
3 points    
Question 35 
1. The declaration int a, b, c; is equivalent to which of the following?
 inta , b, c;
 int a,b,c;
 int abc;     
 int a b c;
3 points    
Question 36 
1. Suppose that sum and num are int variables and sum = 5 and num = 10. After the statement sum += num executes, ____.
 sum = 0
 sum = 5
 sum = 10
 sum = 15
3 points    
Question 37 
1. Suppose that alpha is an int variable and ch is a char variable and the input is:

17 A

What are the values after the following statements execute?

cin >> alpha;
cin >> ch;
 alpha = 17, ch=” “
 alpha = 1, ch = 7
 alpha = 17, ch=”A”
 alpha = 17, ch=”a”
3 points    
Question 38 
1. Suppose that x is an int variable, y is a double variable, z is an int variable, and the input is:

15 76.3 14

Choose the values after the following statement executes:

cin >> x >> y >> z;
 x = 15, y = 76, z = 14
 x = 15, y = 76, z = 0
 x = 15, y = 76.3, z = 14
 x = 15.0, y = 76.3, z = 14.0
3 points    
Question 39 
1. Suppose that x and y are int variables, ch is a char variable, and the input is:

4 2 A 12

Choose the values of x, y, and ch after the following statement executes:

cin >> x >> ch >> y;
 x = 4, ch = 2, y = 12
 x = 4, ch = A, y = 12
 x = 4, ch=” “, y = 2
 This statement results in input failure
3 points    
Question 40 
1. Suppose that ch1, ch2, and ch3 are variables of the type char and the input is:


Choose the value of ch3 after the following statement executes:

cin >> ch1 >> ch2 >> ch3;
3 points    
Question 41 
1. Suppose that ch1 and ch2 are char variables, alpha is an int variable, and the input is:

A 18

What are the values after the following statement executes?

cin >> alpha;
 ch1 = ‘A’, ch2 = ‘ ‘, alpha = 18
 ch1 = ‘A’, ch2 = ‘1’, alpha = 8
 ch1 = ‘A’, ch2 = ‘ ‘, alpha = 1
 ch1 = ‘A’, ch2 = ‘n’, alpha = 1
3 points    
Question 42 
1. Suppose that ch1, ch2, and ch3 are variables of the type char and the input is:


What is the value of ch3 after the following statements execute?

3 points    
Question 43 
1. When you want to process only partial data, you can use the stream function ____ to discard a portion of the input.
3 points    
Question 44 
1. Suppose that alpha, beta, and gamma are int variables and the input is:

100 110 120
200 210 220
300 310 320

What is the value of gamma after the following statements execute?

cin >> alpha;
cin.ignore(100, ‘n’);
cin >> beta;
cin >> gamma;
3 points    
Question 45 
1. Suppose that ch1 and ch2 are char variables and the input is:


What is the value of ch2 after the following statements execute?

cin >> ch2;
3 points    
Question 46 
1. Suppose that ch1 and ch2 are char variables and the input is:


What is the value of ch2 after the following statements execute?

cin >> ch1;
ch2 = cin.peek();
cin >> ch2;
3 points    
Question 47 
1. In C++, the dot is an operator called the ____ operator.
 dot access
 member access
 data access
3 points    
Question 48 
1. Suppose that x = 25.67, y = 356.876, and z = 7623.9674. What is the output of the following statements?

cout << fixed << showpoint;
cout << setprecision(2);
cout << x << ‘ ‘ << y << ‘ ‘ << z << endl;
 25.67 356.87 7623.96
 25.67 356.87 7623.97
 25.67 356.88 7623.97
 25.67 356.876 7623.967
3 points    
Question 49 
1. Suppose that x = 1565.683, y = 85.78, and z = 123.982. What is the output of the following statements?
cout << fixed << showpoint;
cout << setprecision(3) << x << ‘ ‘;
cout << setprecision(4) << y << ‘ ‘ << setprecision(2) << z << endl;
 1565.683 85.8000 123.98
 1565.680 85.8000 123.98
 1565.683 85.7800 123.98
 1565.683 85.780 123.980
3 points    
Question 50 
1. What is the output of the following statements?
cout << setfill(‘*’);
cout << “12345678901234567890” << endl
cout << setw(5) << “18” << setw(7) << “Happy”
     << setw(8) << “Sleepy” << endl;
***18  Happy  Sleepy
***18**Happy  Sleepy
***18**Happy  Sleepy**
3 points    
Question 51 
1. What is the output of the above statements?
cout << “123456789012345678901234567890” << endl
cout << setfill(‘#’) << setw(10) << “Mickey”
     << setfill(‘ ‘) << setw(10) << “Donald”
     << setfill(‘*’) << setw(10) << “Goofy” << endl;
####Mickey    Donald*****Goofy
3 points    
Question 52 
1. Consider the following program segment.
ifstream inFile;        //Line 1
int x, y;              //Line 2

…                    //Line 3
inFile >> x >> y;        //Line 4

Which of the following statements at Line 3 can be used to open the file progdata.dat and input data from this file into x and y at Line 4?“progdata.dat”);
3 points    
Question 53 
1. In a ____ control structure, the computer executes particular statements depending on some condition(s).
3 points    
Question 54 
1. What does <= mean?
 less than
 greater than
 less than or equal to
 greater than or equal to
3 points    
Question 55 
1. Which of the following is a relational operator?
3 points    
Question 56 
1. Which of the following is the “not equal to” relational operator?
3 points    
Question 57 
1. Suppose x is 5 and y is 7. Choose the value of the following expression:

(x != 7) && (x <= y)
3 points    
Question 58 
1. The expression in an if statement is sometimes called a(n) ____.
 selection statement
 action statement
 decision maker
 action maker
3 points    
Question 59 
1. What is the output of the following C++ code?
int x = 35;
int y = 45;
int z;

if (x > y)
    z = x + y;
    z = y – x;

cout << x << ” ” << y << ” ” << z << endl;
 35 45 80
 35 45 10
 35 45 –10
 35 45 0
3 points    
Question 60 
1. When one control statement is located within another, it is said to be ____.
3 points    
Question 61 
1. What is the output of the following code?

if (6 > 8)
    cout << ” ** ” << endl ;
    cout << “****” << endl;
else if (9 == 4)
    cout << “***” << endl;
    cout << “*” << endl;
3 points    
Question 62 
1. The conditional operator ?: takes ____ arguments.
3 points    
Question 63 
1. What is the value of x after the following statements execute?

int x;
x = (5 <= 3 && ‘A’ < ‘F’) ? 3 : 4
3 points    
Question 64 
1. Assume you have three int variables: x = 2, y = 6, and z. Choose the value of z in the following expression: z = (y / x > 0) ? x : y;.
3 points    
Question 65 
1. What is the output of the following code?

char lastInitial=”S”;

switch (lastInitial)
case ‘A’:
    cout << “section 1” <<endl;
case ‘B’:
    cout << “section 2” <<endl;
case ‘C’:
    cout << “section 3” <<endl;
case ‘D’:
    cout << “section 4” <<endl;
    cout << “section 5” <<endl;
 section 2
 section 3
 section 4
 section 5
3 points    
Question 66 
1. What is the output of the following code?

char lastInitial=”A”;

switch (lastInitial)
case ‘A’:
    cout << “section 1” <<endl;
case ‘B’:
    cout << “section 2” <<endl;
case ‘C’:
    cout << “section 3” <<endl;
case ‘D’:
    cout << “section 4” <<endl;
    cout << “section 5” <<endl;
 section 1
 section 2
 section 3
 section 5
3 points    
Question 67 
1. What is the output of the following code fragment if the input value is 4?
int num;
int alpha = 10;
cin >> num;
switch (num)
case 3:
case 4:
case 6:
    alpha = alpha + 3;
case 8:
    alpha = alpha + 4;
    alpha = alpha + 5;
cout << alpha << endl;
3 points    
Question 68 
1. What is the output of the following C++ code?
int x = 55;
int y = 5;

switch (x % 7)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
    y = y + 2;
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
    y = y – 3;
cout << y << endl;
3 points    
Question 69 
1. A(n) ____-controlled while loop uses a bool variable to control the loop.
3 points    
Question 70 
1. Consider the following code. (Assume that all variables are properly declared.)

cin >> ch;

while (cin)
    cout << ch;
    cin >> ch;

This code is an example of a(n) ____ loop.
3 points    
Question 71 
1. What is the next Fibonacci number in the following sequence?

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …
3 points    
Question 72 
1. Which of the following is the initial statement in the following for loop? (Assume that all variables are properly declared.)

int i;
for (i = 1; i < 20; i++)
    cout << “Hello World”;
cout << “!” << endl;
 i = 1;
 i < 20;
 cout << “Hello World”;
3 points    
Question 73 
1. What is the output of the following C++ code?
int j;
for (j = 10; j <= 10; j++)
    cout << j << ” “;
cout << j << endl;
 10 10
 10 11
 11 11
3 points    
Question 74 
1. Suppose sum, num, and j are int variables, and the input is 4 7 12 9 -1. What is the output of the following code?

cin >> sum;
cin >> num;
for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++)
    cin >> num;
    sum = sum + num;
cout << sum << endl;
3 points    
Question 75 
1. Suppose j, sum, and num are int variables, and the input is 26 34 61 4 -1. What is the output of the code?

sum = 0;
cin >> num;
for (int j = 1; j <= 4; j++)
    sum = sum + num;
    cin >> num;
cout << sum << endl;
3 points    
Question 76 
1. Which executes first in a do…while loop?
 loop condition
 initial statement
 update statement
3 points    
Question 77 
1. What is the value of x after the following statements execute?

int x = 5;
int y = 30;

    x = x * 2;
while (x < y);
3 points    
Question 78 
1. What is the output of the following loop?

count = 5;
cout << ‘St’;
    cout << ‘o’;
while (count <= 5);
 This is an infinite loop.
3 points    
Question 79 
1. Which of the following loops does not have an entry condition?
 EOF-controlled while loop
 sentinel-controlled while loop
 do…while loop
 for loop
3 points    
Question 80 
1. Which of the following is a repetition structure in C++?
3 points    
Question 81 
1. Which of the following is true about a do…while loop?
 The body of the loop is executed at least once.
 The logical expression controlling the loop is evaluated before the loop is entered.
 The body of the loop may not execute at all.
 It cannot contain a break statement.
3 points    
Question 82 
1. Which of the following is not a function of the break statement?
 To exit early from a loop
 To skip the remainder of a switch structure
 To eliminate the use of certain bool variables in a loop
 To ignore certain values for variables and continue with the next iteration of a loop
3 points    
Question 83 
1. Which executes immediately after a continue statement in a while and do-while loop?
 loop-continue test
 update statement
 loop condition
 the body of the loop
3 points    
Question 84 
1. When a continue statement is executed in a ____, the update statement always executes.
 while loop
 for loop
 switch structure
 do…while loop
3 points    
Question 85 
1. The heading of the function is also called the ____.
 function signature
 function head
 function header
3 points    
Question 86 
1. Given the following function prototype: int test(float, char); which of the following statements is valid?
 cout << test(12, &);
 cout << test(“12.0”, ‘&’);
 int u = test(5.0, ‘*’);
 cout << test(’12’, ‘&’);
3 points    
Question 87 
1. A variable or expression listed in a call to a function is called the ____.
 formal parameter
 actual parameter
 data type
 type of the function
3 points    
Question 88 
1. A variable listed in a function call is known as a(n) ____ parameter.  A variable list in a header is known as a(n) ____ parameter.
 actual; actual
 formal; formal
 actual; formal
 formal; actual
3 points    
Question 89 
1. What value is returned by the following return statement?
int x = 5;

return x + 1;
3 points    
Question 90 
1. Given the following function
int strange(int x, int y)
    if (x > y)
        return x + y;
        return x – y;

what is the output of the following statement:?

cout << strange(4, 5) << endl;
3 points    
Question 91 
1. Given the following function

int next(int x)
    return (x + 1);

what is the output of the following statement?

cout << next(next(5)) << endl;
3 points    
Question 92 
1. Given the function prototype:

float test(int, int, int);

which of the following statements is legal?
 cout << test(7, test(14, 23));
 cout << test(test(7, 14), 23);
 cout << test(14, 23);
 cout << test(7, 14, 23);
3 points    
Question 93 
1. Given the following function prototype: double tryMe(double, double);, which of the following statements is valid? Assume that all variables are properly declared.
 cin >> tryMe(x);
 cout << tryMe(2.0, 3.0);
 cout << tryMe(tryMe(double, double), double);
 cout << tryMe(tryMe(float, float), float);
3 points    
Question 94 
1. Given the function prototype: double testAlpha(int u, char v, double t); which of the following statements is legal?
 cout << testAlpha(5, ‘A’, 2);
 cout << testAlpha( int 5, char ‘A’, int 2);
 cout << testAlpha(‘5.0’, ‘A’, ‘2.0’);
 cout << testAlpha(5.0, “65”, 2.0);
3 points    
Question 95 
1. Which of the following function prototypes is valid?
 int funcTest(int x, int y, float z){}
 funcTest(int x, int y, float){};
 int funcTest(int, int y, float z)
 int funcTest(int, int, float);
3 points    
Question 96 
1. Which of the following function prototypes is valid?
 int funcExp(int x, float v);
 funcExp(int x, float v){};
 int funcExp(x);
3 points    
Question 97 
1. Given the following function prototype: int myFunc(int, int); which of the following statements is valid? Assume that all variables are properly declared.
 cin >> myFunc(y);
 cout << myFunc(myFunc(7, 8), 15);
 cin >> myFunc(‘2’, ‘3’);
 cout << myFunc(myFunc(7), 15);
3 points    
Question 98 
1. The statement: return 8, 10; returns the value ____.
3 points    
Question 99 
1. The statement: return 37, y, 2 * 3; returns the value ____.
3 points    
Question 100 
1. The statement: return 2 * 3 + 1, 1 + 5; returns the value ____.


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