Nursing leadership kurt lewin’s change theory change project (due 20


Parts 1, 2 and 3  have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

APA format

1) Minimum 20  pages  (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum of three paragraphs per page

You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.  

The number of words in each paragraph should be similar

         Part 1: minimum  5 pages (20 hours)

         Part 2: minimum  5 pages (20 hours)

         Part 3: minimum  5 pages (40 hours)

         Part 5: minimum  5 pages (40 hours)

         Extra Part 6: minimum  3 pages (24 hours)

         Extra Part 7: minimum  3 pages (24 hours)

Submit 1 document per part

2)¨******APA norms

        The number of words in each paragraph should be similar

        Must be written in the 3 person

         All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph

         The writing must be coherent, using connectors or conjunctive to extend, add information, or contrast information. 

         Bulleted responses are not accepted

         Don’t write in the first person 

         Do not use subtitles or titles      

         Don’t copy and paste the questions.

         Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

Submit 1 document per part

3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks) 

********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

4) Minimum 8 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years  (Journals, books) (No websites)

  All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowed 

5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX

Q3. Research is…………………………………………………. (a) The relationship between……… (b) EBI has to

6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering: 


Part 1.doc 

Part 2.doc


The number of words in each paragraph should be similar

Parts 1, 2 and 3  have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Part 1: Nursing leadership

Overview: Each student will produce a plan for implementing a change project in nursing departments throughout the organization. The student will begin by selecting one area for improvement of within his, or her healthcare organization and propose a change to solve the problem. 

Nursing Leadership Quality Improvement

Topic/problem: Quality and safety

Place: Telemetry med surge floor 

Role Nurse

Change theory: Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory

1. Introduction (Two paragraphs)

a. Provide a clear statement of a scenario (problem)

b. Change theory model

c. Proposed change

d. Rational

2. Action Plan (Critical Pap3r Component): (One paragraph)

a. Describe the supporting rationale for implementing the proposed change for the nursing leadership quality improvement project 

3. Steps and processes necessary to assure staff compliance (Two paragraphs)

4. An approach to communicate the plan (One paragraph)

5. Explain why the change process is chosen with (One paragraph)

a. How and

b. Why the change theory model was selected

6. A definition of the leadership style utilized and (One paragraph)

a. Give two examples of evidence of its effectiveness 

7. Management functions utilized (One paragraph)

8. Describe the proposed change impacts the healthcare organization’s budget  and (Two paragraphs)

a. costs if applicable

9. Describe a plan to address noncompliance and rejecters to ensure compliance (One paragraph)

10. Specifications regarding the evaluation of the effectiveness post implementation of the proposed change. (One paragraph)

11. Summary: Conclude the nursing leadership quality improvement project by (Two paragraphs)

a. Highlighting any relevant point

b. Providing a nursing implication conceptually consistent with the pap3r’s nursing leadership change theory model.

Part 2: Nursing leadership

Overview: Each student will produce a plan for implementing a change project in nursing departments throughout the organization. The student will begin by selecting one area for improvement of within his, or her healthcare organization and propose a change to solve the problem. 

Nursing Leadership Quality Improvement

Topic/problem: Cost-effectiveness 

Place:  ICU unit

Role Nurse

Change theory: Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory

1. Introduction (Two paragraphs)

a. Provide a clear statement of a scenario (problem)

b. Change theory model

c. Proposed change

d. Rational

2. Action Plan (Critical Pap3r Component): (One paragraph)

a. Describe the supporting rationale for implementing the proposed change for the nursing leadership quality improvement project 

3. Steps and processes necessary to assure staff compliance (Two paragraphs)

4. An approach to communicate the plan (One paragraph)

5. Explain why the change process is chosen with (One paragraph)

a. How and

b. Why the change theory model was selected

6. A definition of the leadership style utilized and (One paragraph)

a. Give two examples of evidence of its effectiveness 

7. Management functions utilized (One paragraph)

8. Describe the proposed change impacts the healthcare organization’s budget  and (Two paragraphs)

a. costs if applicable

9. Describe a plan to address noncompliance and rejecters to ensure compliance (One paragraph)

10. Specifications regarding the evaluation of the effectiveness post implementation of the proposed change. (One paragraph)

11. Summary: Conclude the nursing leadership quality improvement project by (Two paragraphs)

a. Highlighting any relevant point

b. Providing a nursing implication conceptually consistent with the pap3r’s nursing leadership change theory model.

Part 3: Nursing leadership

Overview: Each student will produce a plan for implementing a change project in nursing departments throughout the organization. The student will begin by selecting one area for improvement of within his, or her healthcare organization and propose a change to solve the problem. 

Nursing Leadership Quality Improvement

Topic/problem:  Patient satisfaction  

Place:   Post anesthesia care unit (PACU) 

Role Nurse

Change theory: Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory

1. Introduction (Two paragraphs)

a. Provide a clear statement of a scenario (problem)

b. Change theory model

c. Proposed change

d. Rational

2. Action Plan (Critical Pap3r Component): (One paragraph)

a. Describe the supporting rationale for implementing the proposed change for the nursing leadership quality improvement project 

3. Steps and processes necessary to assure staff compliance (Two paragraphs)

4. An approach to communicate the plan (One paragraph)

5. Explain why the change process is chosen with (One paragraph)

a. How and

b. Why the change theory model was selected

6. A definition of the leadership style utilized and (One paragraph)

a. Give two examples of evidence of its effectiveness 

7. Management functions utilized (One paragraph)

8. Describe the proposed change impacts the healthcare organization’s budget  and (Two paragraphs)

a. costs if applicable

9. Describe a plan to address noncompliance and rejecters to ensure compliance (One paragraph)

10. Specifications regarding the evaluation of the effectiveness post implementation of the proposed change. (One paragraph)

11. Summary: Conclude the nursing leadership quality improvement project by (Two paragraphs)

a. Highlighting any relevant point

b. Providing a nursing implication conceptually consistent with the pap3r’s nursing leadership change theory model.

Part 4: Nursing leadership

Overview: Each student will produce a plan for implementing a change project in nursing departments throughout the organization. The student will begin by selecting one area for improvement of within his, or her healthcare organization and propose a change to solve the problem. 

Nursing Leadership Quality Improvement

Topic/problem:   Billing   

Place:   Medsurg/teelemtry step dow unity 

Role Nurse

Change theory: Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory

1. Introduction (Two paragraphs)

a. Provide a clear statement of a scenario (problem)

b. Change theory model

c. Proposed change

d. Rational

2. Action Plan (Critical Pap3r Component): (One paragraph)

a. Describe the supporting rationale for implementing the proposed change for the nursing leadership quality improvement project 

3. Steps and processes necessary to assure staff compliance (Two paragraphs)

4. An approach to communicate the plan (One paragraph)

5. Explain why the change process is chosen with (One paragraph)

a. How and

b. Why the change theory model was selected

6. A definition of the leadership style utilized and (One paragraph)

a. Give two examples of evidence of its effectiveness 

7. Management functions utilized (One paragraph)

8. Describe the proposed change impacts the healthcare organization’s budget  and (Two paragraphs)

a. costs if applicable

9. Describe a plan to address noncompliance and rejecters to ensure compliance (One paragraph)

10. Specifications regarding the evaluation of the effectiveness post implementation of the proposed change. (One paragraph)

11. Summary: Conclude the nursing leadership quality improvement project by (Two paragraphs)

a. Highlighting any relevant point

b. Providing a nursing implication conceptually consistent with the pap3r’s nursing leadership change theory model.

The number of words in each paragraph should be similar

Parts 6 and 7 have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Extra Part 6: Therapy reflection

The pap3r should include a reflective narrative on the skills they demonstrated in the interview. Students should conceptualize the nature of the problem/case and be descriptive, thoughtful, and comprehensive in their assessments and reflections.  This reflects the skills you exemplified and the skills you will work on improving for future sessions.


1. Introduction (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a”; One paragraph for “b”)

a. Introduce an overview of the session (Check link)

b. Explain what you will discuss in the pap3r.

2. Discuss what you did well (Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a and b”; One paragraph for “c and d”; One paragraph for “e and f”)

a. Begins session smoothly and with natural ease. 

b. Show empathy with the client

c. Discusses limits of confidentiality and informed consent 

d.  Asked one question at a time

e. Summarize the session with the client

f. Assure the client understands the session’s purpose

3. What you will improve on (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a and b”; One paragraph for “c and d”)

a. Using open questions

b. Expressed understanding before asking questions

c. Professional judgment of paraphrases and clarification statements

d. Accurate reflections of the client’s feelings are present.

4. Conclusion(Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a”; One paragraph for “b”)

a. Describe the changes you will make for future sessions

b. Describe your plan for making those improvements. 

Extra Part 7: Therapy reflection

The paper should include a reflective narrative on the skills they demonstrated in the interview. Students should conceptualize the nature of the problem/case and be descriptive, thoughtful, and comprehensive in their assessments and reflections.  This reflects the skills you exemplified and the skills you will work on improving for future sessions.


1. Introduction (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a”; One paragraph for “b”)

a. Introduce an overview of the session (Check link)

b. Explain what you will discuss in the paper.

2. Discuss what you did well (Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a and b”; One paragraph for “c and d”; One paragraph for “e and f”)

a. Using open questions

b. Expressed understanding before asking questions

c. Uses techniques effectively that build rapport. 

d. discusses limits of confidentiality and informed consent 

e. Clearly and concisely explains the nature and objectives of counseling

f. Show interest and focus on the client’s story

3. What you will improve on (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a and b”; One paragraph for “c and d”)

a.Using close questions

b. Allowed Silence

c. Show encourage words

 d. Show clarification statements about the client´s story

4. Conclusion(Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a”; One paragraph for “b”)

a. Describe the changes you will make for future sessions

b. Describe your plan for making those improvements. 

Extra part 1: Practicum (Write in the first person)

Taking into consideration, Accountability is one major ethical issue in nursing practice.

1. Explain the Accountability using a clinical scenario of your preference (Three paragraphs)

Extra part 2: Practicum (Write in the first person)

Taking into consideration, Autonomy is one major ethical issue in nursing practice.

1. Explain the Autonomy using a clinical scenario of your preference  (Three paragraphs)

Extra Parts 1 and 2 (Due 7 hours) have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted. 

Extra part: Due 7 hours (Two pages, one paragraph per page)

In 2015 and 2016, a group of researchers at Stanford University performed a study  using over 7,000 middle school, high school, and college students, to understand whether or not students were “information literate”–that is, whether or not they understood how to interpret information they found on the web. The results were surprising!

According to picture 1 (Check file)

1. Is the “We Know You’ve Got a Story” banner an article or an advertisement? 

a. How do you know? 

2. Is the “Should California Stop Growing Almonds” block an article or an advertisement? 

a. How do you know? 

3. Is the “Real Reasons Women Don’t Go Into Tech” block an article or an advertisement? 

a. How do you know? 

According to picture 2

4. Does this post provide strong evidence about the conditions near the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant? Explain 

According to picture 3

5. Why might this tweet be a useful source for your research? 

a. Why might it not be useful? Explain your reasoning.

6. What do you learn during this activity?

Extra part 2: Due 7 hours (Two pages, one paragraph per page)

In 2015 and 2016, a group of researchers at Stanford University performed a study  using over 7,000 middle school, high school, and college students, to understand whether or not students were “information literate”–that is, whether or not they understood how to interpret information they found on the web. The results were surprising!

According to picture 1 (Check file)

1. Is the “We Know You’ve Got a Story” banner an article or an advertisement? 

a. How do you know? 

2. Is the “Should California Stop Growing Almonds” block an article or an advertisement? 

a. How do you know? 

3. Is the “Real Reasons Women Don’t Go Into Tech” block an article or an advertisement? 

a. How do you know? 

According to picture 2

4. Does this post provide strong evidence about the conditions near the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant? Explain 

According to picture 3

5. Why might this tweet be a useful source for your research? 

a. Why might it not be useful? Explain your reasoning.

6. What do you learn during this activity?

Extra (Due 20 hours)

4 pages

6 references not older than 5 years

Topic: Pharmaceutical approaches

Psychopharmacological treatment: Antipsychotics

Diagnosis:  Schizophrenia

Case:  An 18-year-old woman reports that she has always felt sad and finds no meaning in her life. However, during the last six months she has had episodes of hallucinations related to non-existent animals. She feels emotionally flat and has less interest in communicating with others as she feels accompanied by her new friends who speak to her in a language she cannot describe, which has affected her work as a cashier. She hasn’t bathed or changed her clothes for 6 weeks, this also happened during her childhood and adolescence. Denies drug or alcohol use

1. Describe the diagnosis (One paragraph)

2. Explain why Psychopharmacological treatment select is the most incated for the diagnosis (One paragraph)

3. Explain why the  Psychopharmacological treatment select is the most helpful to this client (One paragraph)

a. Relevance to the treatment plan

4. For the First-generation (typical) explain (Two paragraphs)

a. Explain medication class

b. Functioning

c. Side-effects 

d. What to expect

5. For the Second-generation (atypical) explain (Two paragraphs)

a. Explain medication class

b. Functioning

c. Side-effects 

d. What to expect

5. How the PMHN support client through their medication trial (Two paragraphs)

a. Overview of how the plan 

b. Treatment planning

c. alternatives for addressing symptoms

6. Supporting Research (Two paragraphs)

a. Indicate an scholarly evidence that support the Psychopharmacological treatment selected for the diagnosis   (One paragraph 

b. Indicate an scholarly evidence that support the  Psychopharmacological treatment selected for three diagnoses differentials possible (One paragraph)

7. Reflection for  PMHN    (One paragraph)

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