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SEED Labs – Hash Length Extension Attack Lab 1

Hash Length Extension Attack Lab

Copyright © 2019 Wenliang Du, All rights reserved.
Free to use for non-commercial educational purposes. Commercial uses of the materials are prohibited.
The SEED project was funded by multiple grants from the US National Science Foundation.

1 Introduction

When a client and a server communicate over the internet, they are subject to MITM attacks. An attacker
can intercept the request from the client. The attacker may choose to modify the data and send the modified
request to the server. In such a scenario, the server needs to verify the integrity of the request received. The
standard way to verify the integrity of the request is to attach a tag called MAC to the request. There are
many ways to calculate MAC, and some of the methods are not secure.

MAC is calculated from a secret key and a message. A naive way to calculate MAC is to concatenate the
key with the message and calculate the one way hash of the resulting string. This method seems to be fine,
but it is subject to an attack called length extension attack, which allows attackers to modify the message
while still being able to generate a valid MAC based on the modified message, without knowing the secret

The objective of this lab is to help students understand how the length extension attack works. Students
will launch the attack against a server program; they will forge a valid command and get the server to execute
the command.

Readings. Detailed coverage of the one way hash function can be fond in the following:

• Chapter 22 of the SEED Book, Computer & Internet Security: A Hands-on Approach, 2nd Edition,
by Wenliang Du. See details at

Lab environment. This lab has been tested on our pre-built Ubuntu 16.04 VM, which can be downloaded
from the SEED website.

2 Lab Setup

We have set up a server for this lab. A client can send a list of commands to this server. Each request must
attach a MAC computed based on a secret key and the list of commands. The server will only execute the
commands in the request if the MAC is verified successfully.

Setting up the hostname. We use the domain to host the server program.
Since we only use one VM for this lab, we map this hostname to localhost ( This can be
achieved by adding the following entry to the /etc/hosts file.

SEED Labs – Hash Length Extension Attack Lab 2

The server program. The server program ( can be found on the lab’s webpage. After
downloading this zip file, uncompress it and check its contents:

$ unzip
$ cd Server
$ ls
LabHome www

The www directory contains the server code, and the LabHome directory contains a secret file and the
key used for computing the MAC. We can run the following command to start the server program.

$ chmod +x
$ ./

The server uses a Python module named Flask. By the time this lab is officially released, the VM
should have this module installed. If you see an error message that says “Flask not found”, you can use the
command below to install Flask.

$ sudo pip3 install Flask==1.1.1

Sending requests. The server program accepts the following commands:

• The lstcmd command: the server will list all the files in the LabHome folder.

• The download command: the server will return the contents of the specified file from the LabHome

A typical request sent by the client to the server is shown below. The server requires a uid argument
to be passed. It uses uid to get the MAC key from LabHome/key.txt. The command in the example
below is lstcmd, and its value is set to 1. It requests the server to list all the files. The last argument is the
MAC computed based on the secret key (shared by the client and the server) and the command arguments.
Before executing the command, the server will verify the MAC to ensure the command’s integrity.

Students should replace the value JohnDoe in the myname field with their actual names (no space is
allowed). This parameter is to make sure that different students’ results are different, so students cannot
copy from one another. The server does not use this argument, but it checks whether the argument is present
or not. Requests will be rejected if this field is not included. Instructors can use this argument to check
whether students have done the work by themselves. No point will be given if students do not use their real
names in this task.

The following shows another example. The request includes two commands: list all the files and down-
load the file secret.txt. Similarly, a valid MAC needs to be attached, or the server will not execute
these commands.

SEED Labs – Hash Length Extension Attack Lab 3

3 Tasks

3.1 Task 1: Send Request to List Files

In this task, we will send a benign request to the server so we can see how the server responds to the request.
The request we want to send is as follows:<name>&uid=<need-to-fill>

To send such a request, other than using our real names, we need to fill in the two missing arguments.
Students need to pick a uid number from the key.txt in the LabHome directory. This file contains a list
of colon-separated uid and key values. Students can use any uid and its associated key value. For example,
students can use uid 1001 and its key 123456.

The second missing argument is the MAC, which can be calculated by concatenating the key with the
contents of the requests R (the argument part only), with a colon added in between. See the following

Key:R = 123456:myname=JohnDoe&uid=1001&lstcmd=1

The MAC will be calculated using the following command:

$ echo -n “123456:myname=JohnDoe&uid=1001&lstcmd=1” | sha256sum
7d5f750f8b3203bd963d75217c980d139df5d0e50d19d6dfdb8a7de1f8520ce3 –

We can then construct the complete request and send it to the server program using the browser:

Task. Please send a download command to the server, and show that you can get the results back.

3.2 Task 2: Create Padding

To conduct the hash length extension attack, we need to understand how padding is calculated for one-way
hash. The block size of SHA-256 is 64 bytes, so a message M will be padded to the multiple of 64 bytes
during the hash calculation. According to RFC 6234, paddings for SHA256 consist of one byte of x80,
followed by a many 0’s, followed by a 64-bit (8 bytes) length field (the length is the number of bits in the

Assume that the original message is M = “This is a test message”. The length of M is 22
bytes, so the padding is 64 – 22 = 42 bytes, including 8 bytes of the length field. The length of M in
term of bits is 22 * 8 = 176 = 0xB0. SHA256 will be performed in the following padded message:

“This is a test message”

SEED Labs – Hash Length Extension Attack Lab 4

It should be noted that the length field uses the Big-Endian byte order, i.e., if the length of the message
is 0x012345, the length field in the padding should be:


Task. Students need to construct the padding for the following message (the actual value of the <key>
and <uid> should be obtained from the LabHome/key.txt file.


3.3 Task 3: Compute MAC using Secret Key

In this task, we will add an extra message N = “Extra message” to the padded original message M =
“This is a test message”, and compute its hash value. The program is listed below.

/* calculate_mac.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])

SHA256_CTX c;
unsigned char buffer[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
int i;


“This is a test message”
“Extra message”,

SHA256_Final(buffer, &c);

for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
printf(“%02x”, buffer[i]);

return 0;


Students can compile and run the above program as follows:

$ gcc calculate_mac.c -o calculate_mac -lcrypto
$ ./calculate_mac

SEED Labs – Hash Length Extension Attack Lab 5

Task. Students should change the code in the listing above and compute the MAC for the following request
(assume that we know the secret MAC key):<name>&uid=<uid>

Just like the previous task, the value of <name> should be your actual name. The value of the <uid>
and the MAC key should be obtained from the LabHome/key.txt file. Please send this request to the
server, and see whether you can successfully download the secret.txt file.

It should be noted that in the URL, all the hexadecimal numbers in the padding need to be encoded by
changing x to %. For example, x80 in the padding should be replaced with %80 in the URL above. On
the server side, encoded data in the URL will be changed back to the hexadecimal numbers.

3.4 Task 4: The Length Extension Attack

In the previous task, we show how a legitimate user calculates the MAC (with the knowledge of the MAC
key). In this task, we will do it as an attacker, i.e., we do not know the MAC key. However, we do know the
MAC of a valid request R. Our job is to forge a new request based on R, while still being able to compute
the valid MAC.

Given the original message M=”This is a test message” and its MAC value, we will show
how to add a message “Extra message” to the end of the padded M, and then compute its MAC, without
knowing the secret MAC key.

$ echo -n “This is a test message” | sha256sum

The program below can be used to compute the MAC for the new message:

/* length_ext.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])

int i;
unsigned char buffer[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
SHA256_CTX c;

for(i=0; i<64; i++)

SHA256_Update(&c, “*”, 1);

// MAC of the original message M (padded)
c.h[0] = htole32(0x6f343800);
c.h[1] = htole32(0x1129a90c);
c.h[2] = htole32(0x5b163792);
c.h[3] = htole32(0x8bf38bf2);
c.h[4] = htole32(0x6e39e57c);
c.h[5] = htole32(0x6e951100);
c.h[6] = htole32(0x5682048b);
c.h[7] = htole32(0xedbef906);

SEED Labs – Hash Length Extension Attack Lab 6

// Append additional message
SHA256_Update(&c, “Extra message”, 13);
SHA256_Final(buffer, &c);

for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
printf(“%02x”, buffer[i]);

return 0;


Students can compile the program as follows:

$ gcc length_ext.c -o length_ext -lcrypto

Task. Students should first generate a valid MAC for the following request (where <uid> and the MAC
key should be obtained from the LabHome/key.txt file):<name>&uid=<uid>

Based on the <mac> value calculated above, please construct a new request that includes the download
command. You are not allowed to use the secret key this time. The URL looks like below.<name>&uid=<uid>

Please send the constructed request to the server, and show that you can successfully get the content of
the secret.txt file.

3.5 Task 5: Attack Mitigation using HMAC

In the tasks so far, we have observed the damage caused when a developer computes a MAC in an insecure
way by concatenating the key and the message. In this task, we will fix the mistake made by the devel-
oper. The standard way to calculate MACs is to use HMAC. Students should modify the server program’s
verify mac() function and use Python’s hmac module to calculate the MAC. The function resides in Given a key and message (both of type string), the HMAC can be computed as shown below:

mac =’utf-8’)), msg=message.encode(’utf-8’,
’surrogateescape’), digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

Students should repeat Task 1 to send a request to list files while using HMAC for the MAC calculation.
Assuming that the chosen key is 123456, the HMAC can be computed in the following:

$ python
Python 3.5.2
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux
Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information
>>> import hmac
>>> import hashlib
>>> key=’123456’
>>> message=’lstcmd=1’

SEED Labs – Hash Length Extension Attack Lab 7

>>>’utf-8’)), msg=message.encode(’utf-8’,
’surrogateescape’), digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

Students should describe why a malicious request using length extension and extra commands will fail
MAC verification when the client and server use HMAC.

4 Submission

You need to submit a detailed lab report, with screenshots, to describe what you have done and what you
have observed. You also need to provide explanation to the observations that are interesting or surprising.
Please also list the important code snippets followed by explanation. Simply attaching code without any
explanation will not receive credits.

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