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Not Submitted |
No Pass |
Competence |
Proficiency |
Mastery |
Not Submitted |
Did NOT explain concept of leadership style and did not provide an example. Did not List any leadership styles and its role in growing the healthcare organization. |
Explained at least 1 concept of leadership style and did not provide an example. Listed at least 1 leadership style and its role in growing the healthcare organization. |
Explained at least 2 concepts of leadership styles and provide an example. Listed at least 2 leadership styles and its role in growing the healthcare organization. |
Explained at least 3 or more concepts of leadership styles and provide an example. Listed at least 3 or more leadership styles and its role in growing the healthcare organization. |
Not Submitted |
Did NOT explain objectives of operations managers and did not provide an example. Did not list steps to empower managers in healthcare organizations. |
Explained at least 1 objective of operations managers and provide an example. Listed at least 1step to empower managers in healthcare organizations. |
Explained at least 2 objectives of operations managers and provide an example. Listed at least 2 steps to empower managers in healthcare organizations. |
Explained at least 3 or more objectives of operations managers and provide an example. Listed at least 3 or more steps to empower managers in healthcare organizations. |
Not Submitted |
Did NOT discuss common type of fraud and abuse practices in healthcare organizations. Did not List any example of how healthcare organizations are controlling the practice of fraud. |
Discussed at least 1 of the most common types of fraud and abuse practices in healthcare organizations. Provided an example of how healthcare organizations are controlling the practice of fraud and abuse. |
Discussed at least 2 of the most common types of fraud and abuse practices in healthcare organizations. Provided 2 examples of how healthcare organizations are controlling the practice of fraud and abuse. |
Discussed at least 3 of the most common types of fraud and abuse practices in healthcare organizations. Provided 3 examples of how healthcare organizations are controlling the practice of fraud and abuse. |
Not Submitted |
The Reference list is NOT set up per APA rules, using correct formatting for margins, font, spacing and is NOT in alphabetical order as required. |
The Reference list set up demonstrates some of the APA rules of formatting, but omits margins, font, and indentation formatting, along with omitting alphabetical listing of entries. |
The Reference List set up demonstrates majority APA rules of formatting correctly, follows margin and fonts rule, and most correct alphabetical entries, but omits double spacing and hanging indent for second lines as required. |
The Reference list set up exhibits excellent attention to formatting with fonts, margins, spacing, and alphabetical entry correctly applied per APA formatting standards. |
Not Submitted |
Grammar detracts from the organization and focus. Errors in punctuation and form (including style, as required) are present. |
Grammar is mostly solid in the main post, and this largely complements the organization and focus. Very basic mastery of punctuation and form. |
Grammar is solid in the main post, and this complements the organization and focus. Proper use of punctuation and form with minimal errors. |
Grammar is strong in the main post, and this complements the organization and focus. Proper use of punctuation and form. Evidence of good writing. |